Hello there~The name is Moon. Formally Moonbeam Flame and Rainbow Moonling.
Favorite Colors: The entire RAINBOW~
Favorite Genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, anything dark~
I love Roleplaying. I'm a literal RP addict, and I stalk most of the ones that I'm in. I'm also an avid video game nerd. I play a wide variety of games ranging from your average FPS (Ghost Recon, Battlefield, Overwatch, Warframe, etc) to MMORPG's (World of Warcraft, Aura Kingdom, etc) to the random stuff (Slime Rancher, Raft, Minecraft, Ark Survival Evolved, No Man Sky, Undertale).
I'm an easy person to get along with as long as you don't start drama or judge me.
Youtube is better than TV...aka don't ask me about TV shows because I most likely don't watch them with the occasional exception. I'm a filthy lets player watcher, but what can I say? Sometimes I don't feel like playing all the games, just wanna see someone else suffer through them smile
Well that's it for now. You want to know more? Your gonna have to talk to me then~
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How’re you doing?
I want to get back into roleplaying but with my life, and art commissions im afraid I'll get burned out. razz
I'm good, finally back on after a LONG time, trying to get my art shop back up and running. Lol. But my god the inflation!!!! Holy crap!
How are you??
Haven't been on in a while, hope all is well.
▸ ▸Just posting an lol to your status...I guess that lunar eclipse was LAST night instead of Tonight. Which means once again I've missed it...