Well there isn't much to say about me other than...My friends call me Taco, and you are considered a very good friend if I give you a pet name (Ex. Gadget, Firefox). I am a minor, so any creepers who want a little action please leave the premises now, or else I will sick the Booty Brigade on you. The Booty Brigade has already fought away the French teacher, so we're armed and dangerous.
Behind the facade:
I am amazingly hyper, and I love love LOVE talking about writing, writing about writing, reading about writing... did I mention my love for writing yet? Yeah you get it. I am the fastest typest in my home, faster than a lawyer, which is pretty intense. If there is anything else that you want to know about me, let me know. The farthest I have gone with a guy is a CONVERSATION. Yes boys, pick up your jaws. I am single too, and I am as pure as I was the day I was born (schoolmates have the right to laugh now). Any questions? Let me know. Get to know me, because I want to get to know you.
Love Always - SohoNights
About my writing love, I has a FictionPress! Search up SohoNights, and you will find my writing to be very amusing smile
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Ish Gabby. I gotta new account.
Now please friend me before I kill you. =^w^=
Anyways, I'm sorry for being a b***h and a crappy friend.