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Birthday: 03/03


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All You'll Need To Know...And More...


1. First Name? Bella
2. Middle Name? Anne
3. Birthday? April 21, 1994.


Color: Green
State: California
Season: SUMMER!!
Food: Anyting with Chicken! I like Chinese and Mexican though.
Movie: Alice in Wonderland. The New One!
Website: Twitter, Youtube and Gaia.
Song: Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides
Type of Music: Anything Fun
Singer: Adam Lambert.
Actress: Rachel McAdams
Actor: Johnny Depp.
Animal: Dogs and Tigers
Book: Ruby Holler
Candy: Reeses Cups.


If I could live anywhere in the world, Where: California because it's always warm.
If I could have any car, Which: HUMMER!

Guily As Charged:

The Craziest dare you've ever succesfully completed: To lick the metal part of a bus during the winter. Yea, it hurt.
The animal/creature you are afraid of: Ticks. I have always been afraid of them, I don't know why.
The worst habit you have: Bitting My Nails.
The thing that really annoys you: When people just DONT LISTEN, no matter what you do or say.
Something not alot of people know about you: I have this habit of Capitalising Every Word In Sentences. I Think It Makes It Look More Fancy...
Something that really makes you cringe: When thinks are crumpled. I know it's weird but it makes me sick. Paper, Straw Wrappers, etc.

This and That:

Do I color my hair: Never. I have natural brown hair.
How often do I wear makeup: Everyday.
Do I wear contacts or glasses: Glasses but I want Contacts.
How do I normally do my hair: It is CURLY naturally, so I straighten it.
Do I have a word that makes me mad when I hear it: The word "Random" because when it was really popular it was over used.
Am I a night or morning person: Night! I love late nights!
Do I drink coffee or Tea: Both! Earl Gray tea is the best though;
Do I like cold or hot weather more: HOT!
Do I wish I was older or younder than my current age: Older. By a year, because life starts when you turn 16 ya know.

So anyway, that's me! If you want to know anything else, which I doubt (it should be all up there lol. But, if you do, PM me, Comment Me, or hit me up on the forums Yo. I'm a CB regular.


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Blissfully Silent Report | 08/28/2009 11:05 am
Blissfully Silent
I want want want want gold. I want want want WANT GOLD!
Blissfully Silent Report | 08/26/2009 5:28 pm
Blissfully Silent
Hi Hi! You haven't been on for forever...what is up with that?!?!? What's new. Contact me so we can talk!!! Email, Text, PM, Comment, SOMETHING!!! Well, Bye!
Blissfully Silent Report | 04/26/2009 6:11 am
Blissfully Silent
Hey, where have u been? I am on Gaia EVERYDAY...and I never see you! Well, It is sunday...9:10am! I gotta leave for the meeting soon! I will c u soon!
Only Two to Tango Report | 04/05/2009 10:04 am
Only Two to Tango
Omg Hey Ultra! Its ur RL bestie Tango! Miss u hope ur knee is doing good! Cya on Tues! lol <3 Tango
Blissfully Silent Report | 04/03/2009 5:10 pm
Blissfully Silent
Hey look, it's Ultra! This is LalaLand (Jen!) You need to update your page...there are lot's of cool things to put on it...well bye!
I heart you!