1. First Name? Bella 2. Middle Name? Anne 3. Birthday? April 21, 1994.
Color: Green State: California Season: SUMMER!! Food: Anyting with Chicken! I like Chinese and Mexican though. Movie: Alice in Wonderland. The New One! Website: Twitter, Youtube and Gaia. Song: Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides Type of Music: Anything Fun Singer: Adam Lambert. Actress: Rachel McAdams Actor: Johnny Depp. Animal: Dogs and Tigers Book: Ruby Holler Candy: Reeses Cups.
If I could live anywhere in the world, Where: California because it's always warm. If I could have any car, Which: HUMMER!
Guily As Charged:
The Craziest dare you've ever succesfully completed: To lick the metal part of a bus during the winter. Yea, it hurt. The animal/creature you are afraid of: Ticks. I have always been afraid of them, I don't know why. The worst habit you have: Bitting My Nails. The thing that really annoys you: When people just DONT LISTEN, no matter what you do or say. Something not alot of people know about you: I have this habit of Capitalising Every Word In Sentences. I Think It Makes It Look More Fancy... Something that really makes you cringe: When thinks are crumpled. I know it's weird but it makes me sick. Paper, Straw Wrappers, etc.
This and That:
Do I color my hair: Never. I have natural brown hair. How often do I wear makeup: Everyday. Do I wear contacts or glasses: Glasses but I want Contacts. How do I normally do my hair: It is CURLY naturally, so I straighten it. Do I have a word that makes me mad when I hear it: The word "Random" because when it was really popular it was over used. Am I a night or morning person: Night! I love late nights! Do I drink coffee or Tea: Both! Earl Gray tea is the best though; Do I like cold or hot weather more: HOT! Do I wish I was older or younder than my current age: Older. By a year, because life starts when you turn 16 ya know.
So anyway, that's me! If you want to know anything else, which I doubt (it should be all up there lol. But, if you do, PM me, Comment Me, or hit me up on the forums Yo. I'm a CB regular.
Hi Hi! You haven't been on for forever...what is up with that?!?!? What's new. Contact me so we can talk!!! Email, Text, PM, Comment, SOMETHING!!! Well, Bye!
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