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'Don't sweat the petty things and dont pet the sweaty things'
-Amy Lee

My guitar and I....
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Birthday: 10/13


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a bunch of random facts about me::::

Height: 6 foot 1
Weight: hmm.... 150, maybe
Age: 17
Birthday: October 13
Piercings: Snakebites and a septum (nose) ring, but i barely wear them anymore
Hair: Whatever color i decide to dye it (currently black, which is natural color)
Eyes: Dark blue usually, sometimes green-ish, sometimes a grayish blue
Religion: Athiest
Orientation: Straight as a pole
Status: Taken by the amazing Brookelle (Brooke) Elizabeth Trueblood, and I wouldn't have it any other way

Alright. Well, welcome to my page all of you sexy people. My name is Jackson (Jackson Michael Stryder if you want to get all official), and i am one of the most random people you will ever meet. I can make a conversation about books go to something about screwing cookies. Yeah, thats how awesome I am. I live for music, and play the piano, guitar, bass, and drums. I used to be in a band called The End of Forever, and another called Scratching the Coffin, but there was a lot of issues that were never set sraight, so I started a new band called Chaos Called Creation. Soccer and football are my next love. I'm a big Evanescence fan, and if you talk to me for more than 10 minutes, you will clearly see that.

I'm the kind of guy that bursts out laughing randomly over something that happened yesterday. I'm the kind of guy that you'll see having a conversation with a cupcake in a dark corner. I'm the kind of guy you see buying 20 pounds of sugar and a jumbo jar of pickles at Costco just for the hell of it. I'm the kind of guy that fills pools with jello and glowsticks, then invites everyone to swim in it. I'm the kind of guy that can get high off of just life.

I can appreciate all kinds of music. Everything from classical to hip hop, from rock to folk. I can pick something admireable out of every band/ artist or song you throw at me from a musician's point of view.

I would like to consider myself a gentleman. I'm the kind of guy who attempts to keep chivalry alive. I fall way too quickly into love, and I've never learned yet, so I'd really appreciate it if you didnt take advantage of me. And just so everyone is warned, i can be pretty full of myself sometimes.

Thanks for reading all my boring stuff. Add me as a friend. I'll almost always accept, and I'll talk to you as long as you talk to me first. So remember, stay sexy, never leave your used condoms in places your mom can find them, and never eat yellow snow.


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xXxKidInsanityxXx Report | 01/23/2011 2:23 pm
you want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!really works!!!!!!!! You want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!really works!!!!!!!! You want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!really works!!!!!!
Dr Fagot Report | 01/08/2010 4:34 pm
Dr Fagot
How are yoo? (:
p0uty brat Report | 01/07/2010 4:36 pm
p0uty brat
Dr Fagot Report | 01/02/2010 5:21 am
Dr Fagot
Sleepin_Beautys_Nightmare Report | 12/24/2009 5:56 pm
Oh no problem
Implanta Report | 12/24/2009 3:43 pm
thank you ;3 Happy Holidays!
Implanta Report | 12/23/2009 4:14 pm
love your sig ;3 funny bio too
Sleepin_Beautys_Nightmare Report | 12/22/2009 7:37 pm
Hella love your signature
shadow_fox777 Report | 12/07/2009 2:42 pm
its not rape if u enjoy it jackson
shadow_fox777 Report | 11/22/2009 3:14 pm


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