Info ; ;
* ﹌ α⒎ α⒎ ! .. - - 我打喷嚏了 * ﹌ !是你'在想我么? ____
欢迎来到我的gaia profile喔! ^_____^
到处看看.. 嘻嘻..
B_asics ;;
Oct 4th. 15. Chinese/Mandarin. Speaks: Engiish & 'Mando'
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Love ;
Friends. Family. Food. Computer. Anime. Dramas.
Dislike ;
People that are: fake,racist,not honest, ect. Cheese ;x Yuck.
- -'' People that ask me to donate... for no ... reason?
x - - - - - - - - - - >
<3 ;
IU. 方大同. 林俊杰. 胡夏.
(Taiwanese o; too much. Generally like their songs :])
x - - - - - - - - - - >
Current Questing:
check out my quest thread wif mah best friend beloww :] <3
x - - - - - - - - - - >
Clickie <3 - >

x - - - - - - - - - - >
白白~ Buh Bai :]
~_____~ and come again.