Geisha Sayuri Chiyo

Geisha Sayuri Chiyo's avatar

Birthday: 08/03


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I'm goin' need to see some ID...!

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Empty heart and empty soul
A lover on remote control
All colors fade to gray
The more they play this love charade

Why dont you see, why dont you feel that love is free?

Ichi-gi ichi-go
All alone in Tokyo
Dont you see? Dont you know?
They have nowhere else to go
Ichi-gi, ichi-go
Far away from Tokyo

They believe
In Geisha Dreams

Dadi da etc.

Perfect body and perfect smile
An illusion for a while
Born to love and trained to please
And paid to put your mind at ease

But dont you see, but dont you feel that love is free?

Ichi-gi ichi-go
All alone in Tokyo
Dont you see? Dont you know?
They have nowhere else to go
Ichi-gi, ichi-go
Far away from Tokyo

They believe
In Geisha Dreams

Dadi da etc.

All your love and hopes and dreams
All you feel down deep inside aintt real
Dont count for anything
Cause Geisha dreams aren't meant to be

Why dont you see, why dont you feel that love is free?

Ichi-gi ichi-go
All alone in Tokyo
Dont you see? Dont you know?
They have nowhere else to go
Ichi-gi, ichi-go
Far away from Tokyo

They believe
In Geisha Dreams

Dadi da etc.

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ii D o u n u t Report | 11/29/2009 7:35 pm
ii D o u n u t
tell me where to get that fbi siggy
GIB Special Agent 09 Report | 06/25/2009 10:56 am
GIB Special Agent 09
Hello Miss Chiyo.

My name is Special Agent 09, former head of the Undead Protection Program. Edwad Cullen was one of our former clients, and he has recently contacted me saying that he was a bit of a twist? I've always been the one to handle his cases before, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to help me help you help us all.

It seems as if Edwad has gotten a bit over his head? I would really appreciate it if you could give me the details on this case so we can work this out as soon as possible and put this all behind us. Edwad is a bit rash, but he has a good... heart? ^^; Well, let's face it, he's a stubborn one, and this isn't the first time he's gotten himself into a mess. We'll have our hands full, but I'm sure if you and I work together we'll figure this out.

Thank you very much,

ballpenlapis Report | 06/23/2009 10:32 pm
Hey There! Miss Officer Sayuri Chiyo.

I'am AprilAmulet I'am Interested about the case of Edward Cullen.

I Have 3 questions.

1. Did he rape a Innocent girl??

2. And How he raped the girl??

3. Did It happened in real life or only at gaia??

Cause I'am a little confuzed about it And I want to warn my friends about it.

Thank You
Sincerly yours:
heart AprilAmulet heart
Zero Cross VampireKnight Report | 06/21/2009 7:17 am
Zero Cross  VampireKnight
-pats back- Sis, sis, sis, ur weird sometimes! Haha! -laughs-
Zero Cross VampireKnight Report | 06/21/2009 7:16 am
Zero Cross  VampireKnight
Yeah! I want to make gaia a safer place 4 her!
Zero Cross VampireKnight Report | 06/21/2009 7:13 am
Zero Cross  VampireKnight
-blushes- i do sis!
Zero Cross VampireKnight Report | 06/21/2009 7:12 am
Zero Cross  VampireKnight
Nm.... i miss Yuki!!! T.T
Zero Cross VampireKnight Report | 06/21/2009 7:10 am
Zero Cross  VampireKnight
Sukisyo? Really? lol! My twin sister's LOVE that anime!
Zero Cross VampireKnight Report | 06/21/2009 7:09 am
Zero Cross  VampireKnight
Hey big sis, whats up?
FBI Agent X Report | 06/09/2009 5:32 pm
FBI Agent X
Yes u are!

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