Julisa The Vampire Slayer

Julisa The Vampire Slayer's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/12/1993

Occupation: Vampire Slayer


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GS Sailor Amphitrite Report | 05/12/2012 6:09 am
GS Sailor Amphitrite
Happy birthday ^^
Michiru Sophie Report | 01/31/2011 1:02 am
Michiru Sophie
[[ Yups n__n ]]
Michiru Sophie Report | 01/30/2011 6:38 pm
Michiru Sophie
[[ Ow, that hurt T__T And Kerry is taking a little break from Grim, he's been under too much stress.]]
Michiru Sophie Report | 01/30/2011 6:34 pm
Michiru Sophie
[[ Hmp, what would you care, don't you have Demitri -pout- xD xD & No, just Francis getting back at Demitri. ]]
Michiru Sophie Report | 01/30/2011 5:47 pm
Michiru Sophie
[[ Hehe, Jump him to prevent him from pulling the trigger, lols. ]]
Michiru Sophie Report | 01/30/2011 5:43 pm
Michiru Sophie
[[ But I have no-one to talk to ATM, everyone is gone :0 & I'm gonna sleep soon. Oh, you should thank Grace for saving Francis.. for now >D ]]
Michiru Sophie Report | 01/30/2011 5:39 pm
Michiru Sophie
[[ Ah, yes. I did caught that one xD I like dark humour :3 ]]
Michiru Sophie Report | 01/30/2011 5:34 pm
Michiru Sophie
[[ Yup, it's all your fault~ xD I love puns as well, but I'm not sure if I caught yours.. ]]
Michiru Sophie Report | 01/30/2011 5:30 pm
Michiru Sophie
[[ Even corny ones? xD Francis' gonna commit suicide :3 Romantic, not? ]]
Michiru Sophie Report | 01/30/2011 5:28 pm
Michiru Sophie
[[ I figures.. gives me an empty feeling in the stomach~ ]]


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Basic Information:

Name: Julisa Sweeney-Boudreau
Age: 16
Born: May 12, 1993
Death: Still Alive
Relatives: Mom, Dad(deceased), and older Brother.
Possible Relatives: Eleanor Boudreau
Current Location: New Orleans, Lousiana

Physical Description:

Eye Color: Hazel/Green
Weight: 120
Height: 5'5
Skin Color: Caucasian
Hair Color: Orange/Red
Body Type: Skinny and fragile. Has brown freckles on her cheek (looses them as she grows). Petite figure.
Blood Type: O
Ethnicity: Mulatto
Pic: X
Note: If I had a choice, Charlette Arnold would portray her. xD


Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster (Yin Water)
Likes: Rice Krispies treat
Dislikes: Carrots and other foods (she's picky).
Personality: Cocky, Naive, Arrogant and Sarcastic.
Languages Knows: Several. As well as a few ancient languages.
Fears: Cruciamentum

Slayer Stuff:

Classification: Slayer
Preceded By: No One
Succeeded By: No One
Powers:Superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, agility, superior healing factor,enhanced sight, prophetic dreams and ability to instinctively sense foes at a distance and at proximity.
Weapons of choice: Stakes, swords and high heels or any show with a sharp and long heel.
Slayer Element: Earth. This just means if I she was the last slayer and was killed by a special axe made for my element, It would end the slayer lineage.
Weaknesses: Most things an average human is weak against but at a lesser level



I'm a sassy girl ;)


View Journal

Slayers Diary: Diary of A Stupid Girl

A diary Julisa created after the events of being activated