is my name
is my game
i luv most
scream and shout
sayin my name
all about.XD

im am no cheerleader and i dont plan on becoming one..
im just a regular, teenage girl
like your everyday next door-gal
who happens to be a crazy,wild,athlete
runs around with a wacky smile in the face
i am named as REGINA
but i prefer to be called as REG
bit short,isn't it?
i am,in fact,a teenage girl
that has been livin' and breathin'
in this crazy atmosphere of your world
for 13 years straight!..
and is still live and kickin'!
you may identify me as nice
you can also call me a maniac
criticize or love me,still,i dont care..
i love being me and i have no plans
on changing who i am..
hate me if you will..
ignore me if you caN..
nevertheless, its impossiple
cause my name is hard to forget!XD