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sammy9908's avatar

Birthday: 09/25


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About mi !!!

yellow i love turtles,matthew,the colors red black and green , the energy drink monster and life smile lol p.s. i'm awesome


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Xx-iRaWrZ-bLeAcH-xX Report | 12/30/2010 10:31 am
ay sam u may wanna change that matthew stuff just in case
Xx-iRaWrZ-bLeAcH-xX Report | 12/28/2010 7:15 pm
good biggrin
Xx-iRaWrZ-bLeAcH-xX Report | 12/28/2010 10:09 am
samantha dont worry bout santinago he aint breakin up with u 3nodding
shadowlightning PhD Report | 08/14/2010 10:09 pm
shadowlightning PhD
daredare-the-awesome Report | 08/13/2010 8:59 am
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works

copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in a
daredare-the-awesome Report | 08/01/2010 4:13 pm
User ImageHow the crap did u get ur name for the background????? And why???? and btw ELI FROM DEGRASSI IS SOOOOOOO HOTT!!!!!
awesomedis Report | 07/19/2010 9:06 pm
If you like this Copy and paste to 4 other profiles then press F5 for 500,000gg

awesomedis Report | 07/19/2010 9:06 pm
If you like this Copy and paste to 4 other profiles then press F5 for 500,000gg

Kuzi-sama Report | 07/14/2010 7:20 pm
i still love you mami ok dont forget it ok smile <3
sammy9908 Report | 07/08/2010 7:17 pm
yeah wat, is turtles a bad thig well..btw my turtles will have tazers

wooooow go turtles


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