I love to write. I'll read anything~ don't be timid, please.
Screamers die first.
3nodding I like roses. My BFFWIIIP (Best Friend Forever Especially when I Indulge In Pie) is Macrabe Words. Check out her profile, because it will be more extreme and exciting then mine will ever be. Seriously.
My favorite color is orange - if you want me to be discustingly vauge about it - and I LOVE hats~♥ And no, not your average baseball-cap boring hat. Overly-elaborate hats, slanted hats, etc.
4laugh I love anime. Seriously. Death Note will ALWAYS be my fave, along with Kuroshitsuji.) I've also seen Code Geass, Full Metal, Inuasha, and many, many, more. So, you know. Yeah.
I like people. Feel free to PM me, or add me as a friend. If I see any matches burning in my profile, I will not cease to blow your head off in a beautiful crimson version of a Jackson Pollock painting.
burning_eyes If I see any flaming in Macrabe's profile, I will hang you by your ear and watch you get eaten from the feet up by angry cannablistic unicorns. :3
Explosions and other misfit stories & poems~
I re-wrote my journal to be a poetry book thingy. Are you happy~?
I NEED ART. cat_3nodding
So, yeah. I need an awesome avi pic. PLEEEASE PM me with details, or if you know a shop I can go to.
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