Birthday: 04/14
R.I.P Older Sis (Cecelia) Theres always a life time but you musnt take it for granite remember you only have 1 life be grateful for the life you have.Always do right and think first about yours and others life.
If u believe n Jesus Christ put dis on ur profile. Dont ignore dis bc n da bible it says if u deny him, he, will deny u n front of his father of gates of heaven. this is da simplest test. If u luv god and not ashamed of it put dis on ur profile. GOD WILL SMILE AT U.
Help meh XD.
Sum Friends
Sexy aint she and she mine so dnt touch!!
Love you Bay.
Dis is my baby gurl's (daughters)
Witch Tyler Vs. Succubuss Korona
My best drawing
Panda Bros
My mom
My sista's (i hav so many)
My brotha's
my cuzins
Tyler & Liana Married 9/3/10
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