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Steel _R a i n d r o p s

Steel _R a i n d r o p s's avatar

Birthday: 03/28


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Logann x3 Report | 12/26/2010 9:54 pm
Yeah I did.
Sorry I haven't been able to reply.
Life's been hell lately.
Dead Dooms Report | 12/26/2010 12:56 am
A few hours last, but its the thought that counts!
Logann x3 Report | 12/12/2010 3:22 pm
Lol. ok
Julienne Dreams Report | 12/11/2010 1:47 pm
I want a Christmas card. smile
Julienne Dreams Report | 12/11/2010 12:53 pm
Thanks, Steel. smile What kind of xmas cards?

My classmate is getting me a digital camera. I'm so excited. biggrin I'm going to get alot of gifts anyways...
Logann x3 Report | 12/11/2010 12:48 pm
10883 county rd 24
Julienne Dreams Report | 12/11/2010 12:44 pm
I'm still sick... Though I'm kind of better than I was before. I'm changing my status though since I'm in a better mood. Someone in my class is getting me something awesome.
Julienne Dreams Report | 12/04/2010 7:29 am
If only the CD came out earlier. I could've sung the newer version of Justice and Mercy at my school's Christmas concert, but my teacher only found the screamo version. But at least I found choices for my school's talent show. biggrin

I love it! I'm definitely going to get the CD!
Julienne Dreams Report | 12/03/2010 5:15 pm
You're so lucky! 3nodding

I'm still working on my Christmas list for my parents. There's too much stuff coming out now-a-days that it's hard to decide.
Julienne Dreams Report | 12/03/2010 5:08 pm
So much suspense! gonk

I'm looking at the Flyleaf online store. They have a poster now. Is there no end to their epic-ness? XD


I really must update this sometime...

-New York


I took my love and took it down, I climbed a mountain I turned around, And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
The landslide brought it down



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By~ THEhi_Dooms

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