Charged Icon

Charged Icon's avatar

Last Login: 06/15/2011 9:04 am

Gender: Male

Birthday: 07/18


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Icon's lifepod altered his DNA so he would resemble a normal human being, thus enabling him to blend among Earth's natives. A side effect of this process was the maximization of his now human/alien genetic structure. Thus, Icon possesses a variety of superhuman abilities that are unusual even for a Terminan. He also gained bang-baby power.

* Superhuman Strength: Icon possesses vast superhuman strength that is nearly on par with Superman's.
* Superhuman Speed and Reflexes: Icon possesses the ability to think, move, and react at superhuman speeds.
* Superhuman Stamina: Icon possesses highly efficient musculature which produces almost no fatigue toxins, granting him almost limitless stamina in all physical activities.
* Flight: Icon flies by manipulation of gravitons, manipulation of magnetic fields, control of his absolute molecular movement, and utilizing his superhuman speed. Icon can fly far beyond supersonic speeds, but it is unknown if he can achieve nearly the speed of light.
* Superhuman Senses: Icon possesses superhuman senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing.
* Enhanced Mental Perception: Icon possesses the ability to sense & comprehend things on levels that far exceed human capabilities.
* Invulnerability: Icon seems to possess partial high-invulnerability & durability, being capable of withstanding tremendous impact forces, high caliber bullets, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury. He is even capable of surviving in the vacuum of space unaided. Icon's invulnerability has not been portrayed consistently. If he is not expecting an attack, he can be injured more easily. For example, in Icon #2, he sustains a bloody nose from getting hit in the face with the butt of a rifle that surprised him. After being injured by Payback, Icon began wearing alien body armor to grant him further protection. However, in a fight with Superman, he took numerous blows from the Man of Steel and was able to match his endurance.
* Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his nigh invulnerability to injury, it is possible to injure Icon. If injured, his body is capable of quickly repairing damaged tissue with much greater speed and efficiency that the normal human body.
* Energy Generation: Icon has the ability to generate and control a radiant energy based on positrons. He can manipulate this energy for various effects.

* Concussive Force Bolts: Icon can release positron energy from his hands as bolts of concussive force. A low power force bolt can flick on a light switch ( On a scale of 1 to 100, about 5) while a force bolt at almost maximum power can stagger Superman (90). A maximum power force bolt has devastating power and a high knockback, and can kill a human.

* Stun Bolts: Icon can project low-energy bolts that render human beings unconscious by disrupting the electrical impulses in their nervous systems. Icon can also use these bolts like an electromagnetic pulse to overload electronic devices.

* Energy Enhanced Punches: Icon can focus positron energy into his fists, which he can then use to shatter virtually any substance.

* Energy Pulse: Icon can release all of his body's positron energy as a massive omnidirectional pulse of devastating power.

* Positron Field: Icon can detect the presence of Bang Babies within his vicinity by flooding an area with a field of positrons. The field interacts with the invisible quantum well surrounding a Bang Baby, who then glows as he or she gives off mild gamma particles. Hence, Icon can use these fields to distinguish Bang Babies from other metahumans as well as normal humans

Icon possesses extraordinary longevity, enabling him to age at a vastly slower rate than that human beings. Hence, though centuries old, he appears to be no older than thirty. Icon's lifespan is typical for a Terminan and the only power that is not the result of his genetic maximization.

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Jackson Aqua Lad Hyde Report | 04/20/2010 4:36 pm
Jackson Aqua Lad Hyde
Yo Icon Whats up You havent been in dakots in a while
king_of_bad_boys Report | 07/30/2009 2:00 pm
what up
Dark Master Dormammu Report | 07/17/2009 3:10 pm
Dark Master Dormammu
*Teleports back to Faltine* Have a seat. *Conjures up a chair with one hand while dropping Batman on the ground with the other* *Dormammu stepped on Batman* Okay, freak. You got one phone call. ((PM)) *Hands Icon a C.O.S.M.I.C Communicating Device.
Dark Master Dormammu Report | 07/17/2009 2:45 pm
Dark Master Dormammu
Too late, once again. *Dodges* Be back soon. *Teleports back to Earth*
Dark Master Dormammu Report | 07/17/2009 1:23 pm
Dark Master Dormammu
Too late! *Teleports to the Faltine Dimension with Icon* Hope you like hell.
Dark Master Dormammu Report | 07/17/2009 12:59 pm
Dark Master Dormammu
*Dormammu yanks Icon down hard, pulling him under* You ain't goin nowhere. *Begins a chant to teleport to the Faltine Dimension while Icon is stuck*
Dark Master Dormammu Report | 07/17/2009 8:57 am
Dark Master Dormammu
*Dormammu reaches two dark hands out from under Icon to grab him*
Dark Master Dormammu Report | 07/17/2009 8:53 am
Dark Master Dormammu
*The force of the pulses knocks Dormammu over 100 feet away where he smacks into a wall of rock, destroying it* Gekk... I've never been hit that hard. Heh. *Dissipates beneath the rocks*
Dark Master Dormammu Report | 07/16/2009 8:29 pm
Dark Master Dormammu
*Teleports closer* Wow, Icon. I really thought you'd be stronger then this. *Sends an earth wave your way*
Dark Master Dormammu Report | 07/16/2009 8:13 pm
Dark Master Dormammu
*Dormammu dodges the first punch, then catches the second* Fool. Wait- What energy is this? Positron? I WANT IT. *Dormammu begins to chant a spell, then starts to siphon an energy sample from Icon, following up by throwing him to the ground hard*


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