
Hey There(:
I like to stalk people for a living..Jkay..Or am I? Bahaha >:]
I Like: You, Park Hyun Chul<3, GUYS, Candy, Cute Things, SHOPPING, Esther Na, Playing Video Games,
Staring At People, and Making Unnessesary Jokes...Oh yeah,
And WHALE FACE -__________- <3<3<3
I Dislike: Clouds, Trees, Trucks, Bugs, Ugly Things, People Staring At Me, Feeling Gross, and Clowns.
Esther, HA! And i'm only like..15! So that's only 1 year difference..~
Annabelle, Dude...I'm not joking, GIVE ME YOUR FREAKING DRAWERS WOMAN >:]
Well then, See you in my dreams ;D