
User Image

Keep your eye on that picture. It has a habit of changing

Name: Kelly

Aged: 18

Birthday: February 7th 1989

G-Day: May 31st 2005

Location: Le Wonderful England

Likes: Talking to my friends online and offline, Singing, Acting, making random things in PSP, drawing (Though im no good)

Dislikes: Abusers of children and animals, people who try to act macho online-seriously whats the point you aint scaring no one

Screen name insight: I dyed my hair purple, and it was a shock to all who knew me as i am naturally blond, all my friends said that i had been drinking way too much Ribena (Blackcurrant drink in Britain) and it had all gone to my brain and made my hair purple. Then a few days after a friend started calling me Miss Purple whenever he saw me, I started getting used to this and my favorite colour is purple so i made it my screen name

A bit about me: When i am online, i am the real me. Alot of people act like idiots or like someone really great online just to make people like them, however i am more myself online then i am offline. In my eyes, online i can be myself without a care of what others think about me. If they dont like me for a reason then thats fine with me i dont have to see them so i dont really have to act like i like them. Yet offline i still have to see people i dont like so i have to act civilized with them. Im not the kind of person who cusses alot, i dont see a point of using them, it just makes you look stoopid because you are using foul words for no reason. I tend to help out people as often as i can, i love being helpful and helping my friends with things they want. I am a happy person and i like to have a nice conversation with people. If people are nice to me im nice back, if they are mean to me i ignore them. So feel free to send me a PM and i will chat with you. I like messages. However, i dont accept random friends requests so don't send them unless you want to be ignored dont send a request.


Viewing 12 of 43 friends


Kelly's ranting



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/03/2014 5:50 pm


Hello from an old gaian friend ~

Report | 05/01/2012 6:21 pm




Report | 02/07/2009 8:16 am


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! <3

Report | 10/16/2008 8:50 pm


Oooh~ Your avi is very pretty~

Report | 06/19/2008 10:33 pm



I misssss you.

We're never online at the same time anymore. .__.;; I hope that changes when you're done college.
de novo Kerauno

Report | 06/06/2008 3:27 pm

de novo Kerauno


Report | 05/28/2008 9:15 am


    I'M HERE TO SAY THAT YOU'RE AWESOME. <3 Thanks for putting up with Stevens bullshit. You really don't have to though. Just hit that nice ignore button if you ever want to. D: That's what I did.

    INO. I LOVE THAT VIDEO... Cause of all the random internet stuff in it. ;O


Report | 05/27/2008 7:16 pm


I'm not gonna get a grip.

I'm not gonna think strait.

I Still hate you all.

But the one person I hate most?


you might not know him, and I hope you don't

But I will Kill Him.

I might go to jail.

I might get away with it.

I don't care.

Report | 05/23/2008 11:17 am


You wanna know why I hate all of you?

Because, simply put. While Lily and I were still dating.

She said she loved you all more than she ever said she loved me.

Because lily didn't really love me did she?

She says she did. But all I ever got from her was hate and discontent.

That's why I hate you. I lost to you, A bunch of random Internet people.

None of you treat me like I'm still human. Because you don't care enough to know me.

Report | 05/23/2008 11:14 am


Lily means the world to you?

Well the world means nothing to me.

You mean nothing to me.

Her Male friends? I don't Care. I ******** hate you too.

I Hate and Hate, You all tell me to be mature. Well I only wan't one thing.

And that is an answer.

Why did Lily stop loving me?


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