
User ImageBio

Name: Dante
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birthday: Unknown
Unlike last year which was dedicated to his personality from events after Devil May Cry 3, I am taking him mostly from the Devil May Cry デビル メイ クライ Animated Series and partially from the manga (WHICH if you hunt for it you can read online for free! I would read it if you're a DMC fan. Arkham is kinda creey as hell though...like..for real...like..***** stalkin'-ya-in-the-shadows creepy).

Oi oi~ So Dante FINALLY got off his fat a** and made himself a profile. I know right? About damn time. And now that its done, I suppose you're wanting to know the man behind the gun and sword, ah?

Well, since you asked...

-Need-To-Know Basis-
Bring a towel.
Brb, afk
Look at ME with my rich a**
I feel the most alone

Don't get it? GOOD.

I'm a simple guy, all I need is some women, booze, music, pizza, and of course the occasional daily doses of casual sex. See? Simple. Blood is a turn on, don't know why, maybe because I'm so used to the taste. On that front, guess I'm a bit of a masochist, then again I have a high tolerance for pain, and a little never hurt anybody, right? I'm a weapons collector, as well as pelts; nothing like a couple huge payoff trophies from your conquests. And nothing is better than an all out brawl, weapons or no. Fighting is awesome, nuff said.

My music has to be loud and gritty and all out obscure and offensive! I could collect all the heavy metal and industrial grindcore in the world and still never be satisfied. I dabble in the guitar and scream now and again, but I'd rather just chill out and rock out with my phones.

I hate whiners, and I hate that feeling you get when you don't wear underwear in new leather pants, its all...chafey. Olives confuse me--don't ask. Warm beer is irritating.
I hate it when other Dantes are intimidated by me...but I also LOVE that. YEAH b***h, BE AFRAID; ******** ALPHA MALE right here, better recognize. I don't understand what "yaoi" is, and I guess that roots to why flaming gay Dantes, Vergils, and Neros confuse me. Fanservice is one thing, but if you're going to be ridiculously out of canon, at least own up to that. Capcom is ashamed of you.
It also grates me when people get jealous of me because I have a lot of friends and a big crew. "BAW, DANTE HAS ALL THE GOOD PEOPLE, BAW BAW" WELL not like I chose that, but hey, bitches love me 'cause they know that I can rock--get over it. It would also help you to not suck.

Uh...that's about it.

Oh, and Vergil.

-Other Info-
Chances are, you won't like me. I'm a very no-bullshit person, and I call it out when I see it. I don't do internet wars, I don't do flamers, I don't do people who have nothing better to do than to start something with someone, if not everyone. I UNFORTUNATELY have a strong justice complex and can't keep my big mouth shut, so chances are I'm going to say something, and since I don't care to sugar coat anything, you won't like it. SO if this is you, there's the ignore button--use it.

I took a challenge last year to fit Dante in any fandom my retarded mind could think up. I was very successful. This account has dressed as, but is not limited to, the following:

IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED, my partners and I make fun of people for a living~ In fact, I pretty much do and say whatever I want to whoever I want, whenever I want. Don't like it? 1) quit taking it seriously, no one means it, and if you truly want to believe I'm there to make your life a living hell...well..that isn't too far from the truth BUT if it gets too bad, then shut me out, shiat. 2) again, the ignore button, blessed thing, make friends with it and get over yourself.

However, if my purposeful pissing you off hasn't steered you away and there's something about my badass attitude that just keeps you coming back, then hey~ let's party, why not.


Viewing 12 of 32 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

xx Coyote Shadow

Report | 05/30/2012 1:14 am

xx Coyote Shadow

I dunno if you remember me or not... But, I just wanted to say hello. I hope you're doing well and all that jazz. <3 I miss playin' zomg with you. ;u;

Slaaneshi Horror

Report | 12/25/2011 10:29 am

Slaaneshi Horror

Merry Christmas Dante.
-rips off his arm-
Moonlit Masquerade

Report | 11/04/2011 11:57 am

Moonlit Masquerade

Thanks for buying!
iGrasshopper Manufacture

Report | 07/21/2011 9:41 pm

iGrasshopper Manufacture

Hey Dante, it's your old buddy Travis Touchdown. I'm actually back on Gaia, but I retired Travis for a while to be Garcia Hotspur, a Spanish demon hunter from Shadows Of The Damned

Report | 06/20/2011 2:42 am


Sup Bro-son


Report | 06/02/2011 8:37 pm



Zee link C:

Report | 06/02/2011 7:11 pm


Long time, man.
Now, for your cosplay, get the ******** Nightmate EI.

Report | 03/25/2011 12:39 pm


Thanks for buying. Awesome avatar.
Hellbound Devil Bringer

Report | 02/08/2011 2:35 pm

Hellbound Devil Bringer

Devil May Love

Report | 02/05/2011 1:08 am

Devil May Love

*licks her lips seductively* Hello Dante.


[i:d71b817501]T[/size:d71b817501]he next time you want to throw me a low blow, just know that I have balls of steel. Pull that stunt again.[/size:d71b817501][/i:d71b817501]

~I D A R E Y O U~[/size:d71b817501][/color:d71b817501][/align:d71b817501]