Dag Hammarskjold

Dag Hammarskjold's avatar

Birthday: 08/06


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Ar-Pharazon-En-Numenor Report | 07/05/2011 1:45 pm
Hey Dag! I'm back again, have my internet back. send me a message when you get this.
vampiirisms Report | 03/21/2010 11:22 am
Hey! Remember me? I'm from "War of the Ages," the guild. Anyways, I know things have been really slow there lately. I'm going to attempt to restart things there, and I was wondering if you are still interested? Let me know, please! ^^
(Yeahh, I changed my username....)
vampiirisms Report | 09/22/2009 4:06 pm
My name is Vampy, I'm the Captain of the guild you just joined!
Anyways, I'm in a really good mood right now, so I thought that I'd welcome you! =D
((I usually do this anyways 'cuz I can't stand being mean, buuut... yeah.))
Just head on over to the forum, post your character bio in the topic called "Unapproved Characters" or something like that, and I'll probably be the one to judge it..
That sounds like a bad word to use.
I won't be like, "No way, this sucks," I promise.
I'm sorry, I'm feeling a tad ADD right now.
Anyways, welcome to the guild, I hope you have fun!



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