give me a hug

Mister Elroy's avatar

Last Login: 04/28/2012 12:32 pm

Gender: Male

Birthday: 02/02

punch a baby

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. : About me : .

Name:: Elroy
Sexuality:: Bisexual
Nicknames:: Elli, Elliphis, Bigger Bro, Sir, Eridan
Hair Color:: Black, though the underside is bleached
Eye Color:: brown
Height:: 6’
Piercings:: none
Tattoos:: none
Sex:: Male
Sport:: Video games? sweatdrop
Food:: Pretty much anything except for unnaturally spicy or hot foods, ie, hot cheetos
Drink:: Water
Time of Day:: Midnight
Season:: Winter; it snows up here!
Day of the Week:: Friday
Color:: Orange
Pet:: a lot razz
Friends:: Dave, Cubie, Leo, Krysten, other people

. : Do You : .

Shower Daily:: Yes
Brush your Teeth daily:: Nuh durr.
Sing:: Sometimes
Dance:: Not at all
Drink:: Not.
Smoke:: Nooope.
Read Books:: Of course
Have a Religion:: Most religions are silly, so I pick Pastafarian biggrin

. : Favorites : .

Band:: Avenged Sevenfold
Movie: I dunno
T.V. show:: I don’t really watch TV
Song:: The Last Firstborn
Food: Wasn’t this already asked? Pudding, I guess.
Candy: Any chocolate.
Animal:: Godzilla biggrin
Number:: 8
Flower:: Red rose
Body part of same sex:: Lips (refer to sexuality)

. : This or that : .

Pepsi or coke:: Pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King:: Neither. McDonald’s spits in their food and Burger King supports Twilight.
Strawberries or watermelons:: Strawberries
Hot tea or iced tea:: Either
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Chocolate, indubitably.
Kiss or Hug: Depends on who it's from.
Rap or Punk:: Punk
Summer or Winter:: Winter. Summer’d be okay if all of those girls weren’t like “OHH ELROY LOOK AT MEEE!!”
Fall or Spring: Fall
Summer or Spring: Summer
Winter or Fall: Winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: It depends. I hate screamers.
Love or Money:: Love :3

. : Your : .

Car:: Don't have one
Crushes name:: I don’t get crushes. I fall in love. If it's short and quick, it's not worth my time.
Style:: No style. Really. Whatever I feel like.
Bedtime:: None ;3
Most Missed Memory:: The magic of childhood
Best Physical Feature:: My entire body. I'm a freakin' god... hehe, just kidding.
Goal for the Year:: Have more fun, yet still maintain 4.1 GPA
Best Friends:: Dave is my #1 bro heart . Cubie comes next. My non-bro friends would be Krysten, Kitty, and Leopardstreak.
Fear: Rejection

. : Have you ever : .

Sat on a rooftop: Many times.
Kissed someone in the rain: Recently :3
Danced in a public place: Yes. Not a pretty sight.
Laughed so hard you cried: Many times. I’ve cried so hard I laughed.
Written a song: Once, but I spilled coffee on it. Purposefully, I might add; it sucked.
Sang to someone for no reason:: No. I always have a reason for singing.
Performed on stage: Yes.
Talked to someone you didn't know: Had a deep conversation? Yes, actually.
Made out in a theatre: Yes heart
Been in love: Once or twice. I’ve loved (yes, physically), but being in love is deep.
Had near death experience: Nope.
Sang in front of a large audience: Yeah. People laughed, but that’s because it was a comedy. I have a bit of a golden throat, if I do say so myself :3
Ever drank: A few sips at a time.
Ever smoked: Nope, nor do I ever plan to.
Ever smoked pot: Noooope. -.-‘
Ever been drunk: Noooope. I’m saving that for when it’s legal, and after that, I plan never to drink again.
Ever been beaten up: Yes. Jealous pricks.
Ever beaten someone up: When I beat people up, I always come out the victor. Almost always, but even when I lose, they don’t bother me anymore because I’m, well, feisty and tend not to give up.
Ever been to therapy: I’ve been to see a counseler about violence.
Ever shoplifted: No
Ever skinny dipped:: No, that’s crude.
Ever kissed the opposite sex:: Yes. I've kissed the same sex... or rather, he's kissed me. Edit: I really enjoyed it.

. : Can you? : .

Write with both hands:: I’m working on it.
Whistle: Yup
Cartwheel: almost
Blow a bubble: Yeah
Roll your tongue: Yeass
Cross your eyes: Yup
Touch your tongue to your nose: I think I did, once.
Lick your elbow: That’s impossible for 95% of the world’s population.
Dance: Not well sweatdrop
Speak in a different language: Not fluently
Cook anything: Not really. We have people for that. Elroy is a spoiled rich boy razz

. : Are you : .

A fighter:: I’ve bloodied my fair share of idiots, and will continue to do so.
A lover:: Yes~~
A War Freak:: Not at all
A Heart breaker: I hope not
In Love:: Currently, yes.~
Bossy:: Sometimes, when people are being idiots.
Friendly:: On the outside. But you don’t know what I’m thinking. YOU DON'T "GNOME" ME DDDDD neutral |

. : More : .

What is your current mood:: Bored
Does your crush like you back:: Uh-huh heart
What makes you happy: My friends, thunderstorms, smart people, romance, cute things, my blood brothers
Name one thing you do a lot: Study, flirt with Dave (I know I keep mentioning him, but really, don’t take it the wrong way!!!!), RP, play videogames
Name someone with the same birthday as you: Dunno.
Are you comfortable with your height: I wish I was taller. Maybe by 2 feet. I’m 6’.
Number of regrets: Maybe 2,000
Countries I'd like to visit: Germany, Italy, France, Russia
How do you want to die: In an awesome way that humanity will scribe in their psyche and remember forever. Either like that or with dignity.
Been to the mall lately: Yeah, for videyagayms.
Do you like thunderstorms: My favorite type of weather.
Rain: is romantic and beautiful.
Get along with your parents: Usually. They thought I was gay once…
Health Freak:: Sugar substitues, my a**!
Do you think your attractive: I have a big ego. I guess I am. But then again, I’m just being modest.
Believe in yourself: All the time.
Want to get married: To the right person.
Do you want to have children: Maybe.
Do you have your future kids names planned out: Nope. That should be something spontaneous, like the proposal itself.
Age you wanna lose your virginity: heart Kekekekeke...
Hate anyone: YES
Theme song: I don’t have one, but if I did, it would be Crashman’s background music.
Catch Phrase: I dunno. That's not it, I just don't know what my catch phrase is.

. : Finish the line : .

If I were a: rich girl, nuhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuh! XD
I wish: for a happy, fulfilled life ending with no regrets
I am: a silly little man, according to Cube
My heart is: safely guarded by my ribcage, cushioned by my lungs.
Birthplace: the world
Current location: In front of my computer in my computer room
Overused Phrase: Is that so hard to understand?

Wielder of the sacred
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Kawaii Alan Rickman Report | 05/26/2012 2:23 am
Kawaii Alan Rickman
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Kawaii Alan Rickman Report | 05/26/2012 2:22 am
Kawaii Alan Rickman
Guys, I totes forgot to wish you a happy anniversary! I hope you had/are having all kinds of gay sex/lovemaking, and I wish you much more in the future.

Kawaii Alan Rickman Report | 12/26/2011 11:35 am
Kawaii Alan Rickman
Not at all lol. It's actually really cute. The secret exchange of Christmas presents in the dead of night, followed by forbidden expression of love for each other! That's as romantic as high school love(and love beyond high school love) gets. ^.^

Was there mistletoe involved? I'm such a creeper.
Kawaii Alan Rickman Report | 12/26/2011 11:26 am
Kawaii Alan Rickman
Oh? Didja now? *suggestive catface wink* ;3
Kawaii Alan Rickman Report | 12/26/2011 11:20 am
Kawaii Alan Rickman
Really good biggrin I got a new mp3 player, though I have yet to put music on it, makeup and a bag, a black fuzzy scarf, Air-Dry Clay, a lacy blouse, some bath stuff, and books.~

Yeah, I'm making myself some Sollux horns and gz some Gamzee horns. The Gamzee horns are pretty good, but I have yet to make the bigger Sollux horns. =P My little sister got a Wii biggrin And Monster Hunter Tri, Just Dance 3, and Super Mario Bros. :]
Kawaii Alan Rickman Report | 12/26/2011 11:00 am
Kawaii Alan Rickman
********, man. I finally get 'round to making Fluffy in sculpture form, and this clay's falling apart on me.

Anyway, how was your Christmas? :]
Kawaii Alan Rickman Report | 10/25/2011 6:06 pm
Kawaii Alan Rickman
eheheheh you fii2h boy, cre2cento'2 totally dre22ed up a2 you! >>XD
Kawaii Alan Rickman Report | 07/28/2011 10:38 am
Kawaii Alan Rickman
i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
Kawaii Alan Rickman Report | 07/22/2011 9:17 am
Kawaii Alan Rickman
Kay, well, sorry I forgot to tell you this earlier, t we're going off to Big Bear in less than three hours. c:
So I won't be able to talk to you for a while. Keep up on updates, and stay lovely.~

Oh and also!!! I know why HE rejected me!! Cuz guess what?? HE's gay!!!!~~ HOORAY!!!♥♥♥
Kawaii Alan Rickman Report | 07/12/2011 10:54 am
Kawaii Alan Rickman
You think I'm a pervert?!
*look of total disgust → Look of consideration → Look of acceptance*
Yeah, that's about right.


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Patron troll D:

Kawaii Alan Rickman
Get Pickled

Meet my army of kittens. Their cuteness is above the elite. Resistance is futile. Give in while you can and survive.

...unless you're ugly.

