
Okay people, I got my account back!!! And my items back too and sent them to my new account!!! Yyyyaaaaaaayyyyy!!! But I will not be using this account anymore. ( I have a feeling that my hacker could still get in or send me another virus to track my passwords. ) So I will be using my new account. Kayaoceshie The only change is that there is an E at the end. So add my new account my friends. And I will come on this once at least once every two weeks to make sure that everything I have left is still here. Bai-Baieeesssss!!!
( And I'll leave the pretty pictures up ;3 )
Hi I'm Kayaoceshi, I will NOT tell you my real name because I don't know if you are a fourty year old man who still lives with mom, watches old episodes of Star Trek, and wants to . . . um, well you can peice the rest together. I LOVE Kingdom Hearts!!! And Riku is MINE!!! MINE I SAY!!! ALL THE OTHER CRAZY FAN GIRLS CAN HAVE STUPD OL' SORA!!! RIKU=MINE!!! So um yeeeaaaahhhh . . . even though he does belong to makers of KH . . . he is still MINE!!! please leave coments, and check out my shop! Love ya!!! Oh, and all the AMV's in my profile, I made my self, except for Pokemon Day! wink And donate to help me get my dream avi please! xD
Newbs, PLEASE stop asking me to be your girlfriend. I am taken by a wonderful guy named Jakub [[ xXx Evil_JaKuB_KuN xXx ]]~~~~~~ heart This is me and him in Gaia form! [[ I didn't put glasses on mine because they looked taky! : x ]]

Avi Art
My Shop

P.S. - I love random Coments!!! And if you wish to comment on my profile mention NOTHING about my shop. And don't leave rude comments about saying how I am a mary-suer, ok I know I am and if you have a problem with that then you need to GO ******** YOURSELF!!!! D< And yeah, I have gotten coments about that . . . -.-" . . . so up yours, you critics!!!
-coff- very sexy -coff- Riku Pictures

Icons and Comics

My Pets!!! whee

*twich, twich*

to wach more twiching!

.::talk to meh::.
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