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RockerChu's avatar

Last Login: 04/06/2024 12:08 pm

Registered: 01/04/2010

Birthday: 12/27

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God i'm 2 tired tooo......ZzZz...... Anywayz,
HI!!!! My name is RockerChu and yeah.. um.....I love drawing, cooking, stuff like that and i'll do this l8r, but here is my website :


Work Title: um.. a student?
Pets: none (misses old dog Shiloh and fishes)
My Themesong: um….. IDK ^-^’
What is your favorite word? WEIRD!!
What is your least favorite word? IDK.
What turns you on? Things I love. >w<
What turns you off? Things I hate. razz
What sound or noise do you love? MUSIC DUH! -_-“
What sound or noise do you hate? Washing machines, car crashes, etc.
What profession, other than yours, would you like to attempt? Musician or artist….
What profession would you not want to participate in? Army people stuffz O_o
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive? “Um..why are you here? YOU’RE NOT DEAD YET!!!!!!”

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Tenten-chan96 Report | 08/05/2011 10:16 pm

Capricorn is beast. XD Lucy just needs Libra and Pisces and she'll have all the golden keys. o.o

Tenten-chan96 Report | 08/05/2011 2:46 pm

YOU SHALL BE WENDY. YUUUUUUUUSH!!!!!! I'm excited for next year's AX! ^_^

My boyfriend should cosplay as Natsu. ;D

Tenten-chan96 Report | 07/27/2011 1:32 am

I never thought I'd ever see Fairy Tail cosplayers, BUT I WAS MISTAKEN. <3 You should cosplay as Wendy next year, lawl. XD I'm sad I didn't get to see you!! DX

All the Natsu's I saw were dudes. With abs, too. O.o

Tenten-chan96 Report | 06/08/2011 4:31 pm
Dude, that's impossible... HOW? XD It's not released yet... There's no way that it exists online. and if it did, it definitely would've leaked by now. XD
So are the songs worse or better than Adolescents? 'Cause while it's uber good, Brandon just keeps on repeating himself... "Out of sight, out of mind" is good for the first few verses, but c'mon guys. They can do a heck of a lot better. XD
I think so... I dunno. XD They're gonna go on tour in the fall, after the new album comes out.
Speaking of new albums.... RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS' NEW ALBUM IS ALMOST OUT IN A COUPLE MONTHS!! >w< (And that means they're gonna go on tooouuuuur~)
Tenten-chan96 Report | 06/06/2011 10:37 pm
How'd you get it if it's not out yet? XD The singles from it are really good! =3
I think I might see them live... They're playing at the Hollywood Bowl. =3
Tenten-chan96 Report | 05/15/2011 5:57 pm

Aww, Selphie is so cute!! Did you take pics??
IKUTO FTW!!!! <3

Tenten-chan96 Report | 05/15/2011 3:55 pm

You could be an Asian Maka! XD
My friend Sammie makes a really good Xion, but I think she's an amazing Yuffie, so I told her to cosplay as Yuffie this year! =D

Tenten-chan96 Report | 05/15/2011 9:25 am

Oh, my friend Nina cosplayed as Maka! It was really cool. Her Soul was beast. XD

Tenten-chan96 Report | 05/14/2011 9:59 pm

Do you already have a Miku cosplay?/?

Tenten-chan96 Report | 05/13/2011 9:56 pm

XD No, I don't get special discounts, I only get a few perks. XP Though I would like to see you again!! You've gotten so CUUUTTEEEEE!! >w<



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