About Me

Kithren, but I go by Kitty ♥
♥Formally Known as _oohhKitty
OG player from the early 2000s
just here to sell and get rid of things
What I Look Like; ♥

How To Contact Me
Comment; ♥
Private Message; ♥

Extra Links♥
My Tumblr; ♥
Questions Box; ♥

Sammy♥ ;

He's my best friend; && Of course with the price of friend ship is having your ups and your downs and yes we had plenty, but that didn't stop us from being friends. I'll admit I ******** up a ton with him. I've known him for about 6 years now and still counting. I've known him since I was ******** 12. But yeahhh, best thing ever is that we're friends still and wow.. it's been a long time. Thanks for being my longest lasting friend that still talks to me nearly everyday.
I love you Sammy♥