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Before the Blast

Originally, Cole was a courier working in Empire City, where he learned parkour and used it to aid in his job. The two most important relationships in his life were with his girlfriend, Trish Dailey, and his best friend Zeke Dunbar.

The Blast
Immediately before The Blast, Cole was delivering a package to the Historic District. After receiving a phone call from his boss, Cole made his way to the intersection of 19th and Sloat where he receives a call from Kessler to open the package, Cole opened the package, revealing the Ray Sphere, which immediately activated. The Blast devestated several city blocks around Cole, vaporizing thousands of people and concentrating their bio-electric energy in Cole. The result of this was a city-wide blackout, the deaths of thousands, and the formation of a crater known as Ground Zero in the Historic District. The Blast weakened Cole as well, causing severe burns and injuries to his left arm and leg, but keeping him alive.

Cole is a powerful electrokinetic that can draw and control huge amounts of electricity throughout his body and store it there. This has several benefits: besides electrical manipulation, the electricity running throughout his body greatly accelerates the body's natural ability to repair damage by stimulating the muscle tissue and his immune system, essentially an accelerated healing factor, making Cole impervious to most disease except for the most powerful ones, such as mind control, and the extremely toxic gases that Kessler's air balloon had released, his healing capability can be temporarily boosted when he absorbs electricity. Aside from immunity to disease, Cole's natural healing factor is beyond that of any human: After the Blast he is shown to be covered in severe electrical burns, walking with a limp, and having his left arm crippled out of shape, wounds that would take months to heal; Cole is shown completely healed of these injuries just two weeks later.This also allows for his muscles to absorb huge amounts of physical trauma to a far greater degree than normal humans, granting the ability to survive falls from extreme heights with no harm to his body. Cole also has enhanced physical strength, agility, durability, and reflexes. He has not fully adapted to his powers as of yet, as he only just gained them.

As he begins to gain control of his powers he can only create a stream of electrical discharge through his palms in the form of a Lightning Bolt, and absorb electricity from nearby sources, but soon discovers various other abilities, such as the Thunder Drop; charging up large amounts of electrical energy within his body while falling and dispersing it in a powerful shockwave on contact with the ground, creating spheres of electrical energy that can be used as projectiles and rapidly disperse in a concussive force equivalent to that of grenades or missiles, the ability to either drain bio-electrical energy from living beings or send his own bio-electrical energy into someone else to heal them, accelerating the body's natural healing processes temporarily; the ability to, if in contact with a person's head, read the electrical currents of the brain and see their memories, even in the recently deceased. The ability to create electrokinetic forcefields capable of blocking rapidly moving projectiles, and even manipulate electrical currents within the air to create powerful streams of lightning to fall from the sky which he can fully control (his first example of weather control). But if Kessler, a fully developed electrokinetic, is any indication, his powers are still immature despite being so powerful already, and can still develop and master many powers which (if the ending cutscene is any indication) includes an advanced form of Static Thrusters which allowed Cole in an alternate timeline to propell himself at considerable speed, limited illusion generation and either teleportation, super speed or an energy form. Some of Cole's abilities are by-products of his core ability to absorb, store and redirect electricity, which includes electromagnetism and weather control.

It's believed that Cole will gain access to alternative powers, aside from his electrokinesis in inFamous 2, such as the ability to create ice (similar to that shown in the Beast flashback), whether this is cryokinesis or another form of weather control is unknown. He will also use an electrically charged melee weapon that was possibly created by Zeke (who is still having issues with Cole).


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/01/2011 12:44 am


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Happy b-day c;

~ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ¤ ٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫٭۪۫ ¤ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ~

Nuclear Hell

Report | 02/01/2010 8:26 am

Nuclear Hell

Happy B'day

Report | 02/01/2010 7:58 am


annan lahjan joskus muullon :3

Report | 02/01/2010 7:52 am


sori ei oo kultaa ._. ja laiskalla tuulella sitä keräilemään ._. anteeksi.

Report | 02/01/2010 2:48 am


hyvää syntymäpäivää! <3
-Alex Mercer PhD-

Report | 01/27/2010 5:53 am

-Alex Mercer PhD-

*is reduced to ooze. Ooze starts to reform*
-Alex Mercer PhD-

Report | 01/27/2010 5:29 am

-Alex Mercer PhD-

*was playing dead. HUNTER POUNCE!*
-Alex Mercer PhD-

Report | 01/27/2010 5:22 am

-Alex Mercer PhD-

*makes peculiar gasping sounds as his throat is crushed*
-Alex Mercer PhD-

Report | 01/27/2010 4:49 am

-Alex Mercer PhD-

Do you has flavr. *licks*
-Alex Mercer PhD-

Report | 01/27/2010 4:10 am

-Alex Mercer PhD-

...I bet I could eat you alive. 8D