Schnee Bae

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Birthday: 11/08


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Character Information

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Full name: Nix A. Lupo
Nicknames: Nicor, Nixie, Nokken, Shortie
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Age: 19 - 26
Species: Human Siren
Eye Colour: Pink and blue
Hair Colour: Pastel Blue
Height: 5'0
Weight: 110 lbs
Occupation: Whatever she desires at the moment.
Markings: Freckles, littered across her cheeks

Nix was born on a planet by the name of Pasha, more water than the land world. The people there often keep to themselves, they aren't open to trading with many outsiders and aren't fans of the unknown. When Nix had been born her parents hid her from the outside world in fear of Pasha's government sending their siren child away. But there was only so much they could do and only so much hiding they could continue to attempt before inspections went far enough to find the hole in the basement wall where their young child at the age of 12 was discovered. Upon her being discovered the government called for trail to figure out what they would do with young Nix, as well as her parents. During their time of trail, Nix was kept away from her parents and used as a worker/slave to help with errands the government turned a blind eye to. After 3 years of trails, they had finally reached a conclusion. Nix would be sent away on a ship while her parents would face execution under the means of 'Putting their planet in danger.'

With no time to say goodbye, Nix was forced into a ship and launched into space with unknown coordinates. By the time the Siren crash-landed into Pandora she was forced to learn to survive against the people, creatures, animals and environment itself. The means for money led her to take on jobs as a Mercenary with the interest of becoming a Vault Hunter.

The split of her eyes resulting from something traumatic.



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BlackStar641 on 04/13/2024
roxas3134 on 11/20/2019