
Eridrau's avatar

Last Login: 01/28/2012 6:35 pm

Registered: 01/18/2004

Gender: Male

Location: Ontario, Canada.

Sexed up wearing....

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dog_day_sunrise Report | 12/27/2007 6:21 pm
random comment of intellectual purportions
Call me Audre Report | 05/08/2007 3:26 pm
Call me Audre
I heart your avi!!!
DoubleMXX Report | 02/12/2007 3:22 am
Hey Bro! ^^
Lais Report | 04/01/2006 8:15 am


A jack of all trades, and one who loves to learn. Those are the two best ways to describe me.

Yo all, and welcome to my little touch of madness. I'm a doodler (Not an artist, I wouldn't dare to presume I posess that level of skill), a gamer, and a professional pupil. And yes, that means that I'm actually willing to admit I'm wrong if I can learn something from it, but you better make sure you can prove it, damnit!

I've been on Gaia since early '04ish, and have one of those on-again, off-again, love/hate relationships with it. I'll give you a minute to twist your brain around that.

... ... Got it? Well, I'm continuing anyways.

Intellectuals interest me, and there are few more enjoyable ways to whittle a day away than in a heated discussion of some obscure, interesting lore with one. By the same token, Stupid people ... piss me off. There is no way to candy-coat it. We should just remove the warning lables from stuff and let that little problem sort itself out though.


Never frown, because you don't know who might be falling in love with your smile - Justine Milton
Wondering what I'm dressed as? Yeah so am I. Something.. druidic and festive?


Can you say that again, so I can misquote you properly?