
Hallo thar. ;3 I'm Axyis.
Nice to meet you.
I changed my profile again.
Get over it. Everyone else does.

♬ You can call me Axyis. Or you can make some stupid nickname for me. The word "Axyis" is pretty hard to make a nickname out of.
♬ I R TOTALLY ASIAN. Psh yeah.
♬ I play piano. How totally Asian is that? I also play violin and sing. But I mostly play piano.
♬ I roleplay. You'll usually see me hanging in a Yaoi thread. Maybe in the occasional Yuri thread, too. :3
♬ Drawing is love. Absolutely. Heaps of my friends think that I should have a DeviantArt. I will. As soon as I get my scanner working and actually feel like putting my crappy pieces of artwork onto the Internet.
♬ Plays Audition Online, American version. Lv 1x Clubber. I seriously need to improve more. I can barely chance.
♬ I LOVE DDR. DDR FTW. Too bad I can only do Standard. I'm playing on SUPERNOVA2, and I'm loving every round of it. ;3 Favourite songs have to be AA, Afronova, Healing Vision Angelic Mix and Xepher.
♬ Don't you dare try to send me a friend request if I don't know who the ******** you are. But you can drop in a random PM or comment on this profile here if you want. ;D In other words, I don't accept friend requests until I know you.

Thazzall. :3




Me putting in random crap whenever I wanna. Yeah...psh.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Barbara Sexaroid

Report | 11/20/2008 10:23 pm

Barbara Sexaroid


By the way, where exactly do you live? That sounds stalkerish, but I'm just wondering because it seems like all your posts in the RP are at around 3:00 AM and whatnot. xDD Do you like outside of America, or are you just nocturnal?
Barbara Sexaroid

Report | 11/19/2008 5:18 pm

Barbara Sexaroid

Hi. I noticed your Xepher Tress has no one to RP with.

So, I was wondering if you would like for him to RP with my new character, Robert Lavender, as he also has no one tp RP with yet. Mind you, if you're already RPing with someone, then I entirely understand. :3
Adorkable Monster

Report | 09/17/2008 7:44 pm

Adorkable Monster

Hello, this is Neko-chan from the Tales of the raven guild. We had recently undergone a HUGE growth and would like for you to join us by posting. You can role play, write and share poetry and stories or simply chat it up and share opinions or ideas in the chatterbox. I sincerely hope to see you there. ^_^

Also I would like to remind you that if you are not active in the guild we will be doing guild cleanup and deleting inactive members. So please come by and chat with us.
Knight Winds

Report | 09/08/2008 8:30 pm

Knight Winds

Axxy~! I ish on..you no on v.v <3

Report | 08/01/2008 3:12 pm


hi!...we haven't talked since we pulled that stupid truth or dare on Coone and Ruka..

So how are you?

Report | 07/15/2008 3:25 pm



I apologized for head trauma in advance, so no worries.

Right? =D?
Your Pants

Report | 07/13/2008 11:31 pm

Your Pants

/pats back.

Good job.

Your Pants

Report | 07/13/2008 10:07 pm

Your Pants

I can't poke you in the eye. D<

Yer asian. We asian's dun have big enough eyes, so I couldn';t have hit yer eye. D<

/stabs eye, but misses.

Your Pants

Report | 07/13/2008 3:57 pm

Your Pants

/poketh poketh.


Report | 07/13/2008 2:06 am



Your about section...

It's as if you're daring me to make a nickname for you.

You don't think I can do it, but I can! >D.


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