Princess Kushana

Princess Kushana's avatar

Birthday: 10/06


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"Princess of Torumekia, youngest daughter of the Vai Emperor."

Now, if you think I'm some petty, cliche princess in need of rescue from some horrible fate, well I think it's best if your turned away now.
I'm Kushana, addressed as "Her Highness", "Princess", White witch, and some other names. In reality I'm more of just bloodied-war driven soul. If you happen to want someone who was and still is being 'fed with a silver spoon' you'll have to go find my
chubby, mushroom headed brothers; I suggest you stay away from my father.
You may be wondering about my arm and why it's always armored, it's because there's not actual limb there, it was torn of by an insect when was younger.
Now, as for my soldiers they would give their life for Torumekia, as would I. I will do what I can to make sure they live; though there's no promise in war. Death is almost an guarantee.


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horseshoe123 Report | 04/07/2011 9:52 am
Whapo! cool profile!

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