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Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cindi..

Urban Dictionary definition of CINDI: Refreshing, lively, honest, faithful and always on top of things. True friendship when earned. Quite nice to look at.

My definition of CINDI: Probably the girl you've never met in your life, extremely shy in person. socially awkward, but when she's with friends, she can be herself. Can be loud and random at times. The most laziest person in the entire world. Thinks popularity is useless. Easily annoyed. Wants to be a photographer/trackstar someday. Doesn't want to be like everyone else, wants to stand out from the crowd. What you think of her does not affect her at all. Curiosity is her middle name. Will fight for anything or anyone. Stands up for something she believes in. Kid at heart. Cindi De La Cruz.
The End.