****My Wishlist is quite large and I wanted to organize it. Plus, I'm worried if I add too much, it'll restart itself like my last wishlist I had before this one. XP So, For a more organized wishlist, Go HERE. ****
About Me
Hello~! I'm Wolfie/Wolftart/Mom. biggrin I am a female. I live in Southern California. biggrin My real name is Michelle but just refer to me as Wolfie. First name basis is for special people. 3nodding I'm 27~! emotion_c8 I'm forever alone. <3 ILikeMeSomeBoys. emotion_dowant
I'm an odd person. I'm very shy in person, but on here you'll never even believe me that I'm shy. XD I'm like a whole different person. :3 I don't like to use chat speak, I find writing out my words to be just fine, but if I'm in a rush, it may slip. I SUCK at RPing so don't ask. XD I'm a terrible speller so expect to see words misspelled. The only thing that is saving me from overloading you with misspelled words is Chrome giving me the little red squiggle under the words and letting me correct it. XD I like to lurk the GCD, and post occasionally in my quest thread ((see my sig)). I like to enter the Runway contests and am slightly active and lurk at the same time in the Runway Forum. I'm a very odd person and like to change my avie every 5 days. So if you plan on drawing my avie, you best save it if it's gonna take you longer then 5 days. XDD I never wear the same avie twice. If I do, I add to it or change it slightly. I fangirl over so many anime boys and many of the boys here on Gaia. Maybe we can fangirl over some of the same. *cough*Loyal*cough*
I've got a Facebook, so if I know you enough and love you enough ((Basically, "Are we friends?" is what you should be asking yourself)), I'll give it to you, just PM me. :3 If you pm me and I don't know you, go away. D:< I've got a Youtube account, Kyofanclub. Watch me play games and post weird stuff. ouo I've got a Tumblr, Kyofanclub. I post random things and reblog random things, just a heads up. I play Guild Wars 2, server is Ehmry Bay. PM me if ya wanna go explorin'! :3 I love to help others! I also have a Steam account. I probably won't add you unless I know you so don't bother adding me. That one is kinda the same rule as my Facebook. Pokemon Go Friend Code: 6435 8739 9027
Only way you can really get to know me is by talking to me. biggrin Look around my profile and read/look at some stuff to learn a part of me. :3 Now, look at my very large wishlist and see if you have any of those items! if you do... wanna give it to me because you love me? :3 I also LOVE Avie art! Draw my current avie and I'll love you forever! If I really like it a lot, it might get put up on my profile with some of my favorites. <3 I am an Art Whore so if you see me, feel free to draw me and just pm me the art. biggrin I'll tip for any art I receive. :3 Just be sure you save my avie as I try to change my avie every 5 days. wink Bonus points if you draw me with Ringmaster Loyal. emotion_dowantemotion_bigheart
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Wolfie~~~~~~~
Happy Birthday to you!
You haven't been in the discord for almost a year,
so I didn't want to pull you there in case you're not
doing discord anymore, so I figured it would be safe
to say happy birthday here!
I hope you have a lovely day, and are doing well! emotion_bigheart
Lol, that's understandable. I feel like that every time I see a name I know.
Right? I was like "Oh yay! This doll finally has a listing. /bids 1p/ 12 hours later ... what the helk?! 20k plat? Why would you spend that much on a doll?!"
That's good at least!
I'm happy to have at least gotten most of the paw items I wanted for cheap and some other things. Didn't get the dolls that I wanted. But oh well.
Behind the Avie
1995 - January 5, 2013, R.I.P. Princess Jasmine, my beloved pet and friend.
Leave a message after the beep......BEEEEEEEEP
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Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Wolfie~~~~~~~
Happy Birthday to you!
You haven't been in the discord for almost a year,
so I didn't want to pull you there in case you're not
doing discord anymore, so I figured it would be safe
to say happy birthday here!
I hope you have a lovely day, and are doing well! emotion_bigheart
Lol, that's understandable. I feel like that every time I see a name I know.
Right? I was like "Oh yay! This doll finally has a listing. /bids 1p/ 12 hours later ... what the helk?! 20k plat? Why would you spend that much on a doll?!"
That's good at least!
I'm happy to have at least gotten most of the paw items I wanted for cheap and some other things. Didn't get the dolls that I wanted. But oh well.