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Aulora_Rose's avatar

Birthday: 09/06


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Chain Mochizuki Report | 09/06/2010 9:03 am
Chain Mochizuki
Happy Birthday.
raven_blackledge Report | 07/10/2010 12:05 pm
I LOVE YOU PEOPLE! (cup cake sugar rush....)
Alex Rydel Report | 07/07/2010 4:27 pm
Alex Rydel
You know, Aulora, if you wanted that Post you put on my profile to go to Kuryu, you have to PUT IT ON KURYU'S PROFILE! --_-- I spent ten minutes trying to figure out what in hell you were talking about...
Kuryu Hoshino Report | 06/03/2010 2:43 pm
Kuryu Hoshino
Hm.. There are actually many ways to view your wishlist. You could go to your account and look there. Or you could just go to the marketplace and click on the wishlist.
Kuryu Hoshino Report | 06/03/2010 8:21 am
Kuryu Hoshino
O.e ...That.. is interesting...

Well, if I can help in pertaining your potion again, do tell. I'm glad that all is well for you and others.

If you need anything else that you think would look ravishing for your look, feel free to add it to your wish list and I will see to it, depending on the cost.
Kuryu Hoshino Report | 06/03/2010 8:01 am
Kuryu Hoshino
'Tis sad, that is.
I do hope that you get that all settled down, though.
Is all well at headquarters? Please inform my surperiors that I love them.
Kuryu Hoshino Report | 06/03/2010 7:11 am
Kuryu Hoshino
-pretends to think- Hm. Well, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you that. -evil smile-

Are you at headquarters, my dear? (School.)
Kuryu Hoshino Report | 06/03/2010 6:58 am
Kuryu Hoshino
Ha ha, thanks. Since I bought something for Luna and Alex, I insist on buying something for you, my lady.
Kuryu Hoshino Report | 06/03/2010 6:31 am
Kuryu Hoshino
Good girl.



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