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i have long blond hair and blue eyes just like my avi mrgreen
i like anime ,manga, video games, DnD, drawing ......... stuff kinda around those lines 4laugh

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I LOVE NEKOS!!!!!! ............TOOOOO........MANY............................NEKOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She keeps her passions under a tight rein, but underneath emotions are surging. Outwardly she may appear calm, sometimes even remote and unreachable, for the quintessential Virgo has a serene, almost classic repose. Yet hers is one of the most conflicted signs.
Basically, Virgo woman distrusts and is a little afraid of emotion. To her it represents the unknown, turbulent sea on which she may be set adrift without map or compass or rudder. Because of this a man may wonder if she’s a bit cold. She isn’t. Virgo’s enormous capacity for loving will pour out, as from a rich treasury, once her emotions are unlocked. Virgo is a much misunderstood sign, and Virgo women particularly are often characterized as timid, evasive, and reserved. This is also untrue. What Virgo women do have is self possession, a sense of passion that is controlled by discipline.
Virgo is an earth sign, and like all the earth signs [Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn] she is an enigmatic combination of sensuality and conservatism. The Virgo woman likes men, but she is very carefully about allowing herself to become to involve with them.
She is discriminating. Rather than go out with a man who doesn’t interest her, she’ll stay home and read a good book. The real clue to understanding Virgo woman’s amorous nature is to remember that she believes in true love. When she truly loves, her inhibitions are never in control of her passions. However, this is not a woman you can take for granted. You must strive hard to win her, please her, fulfill her. If you can, you will have a partner who pays you back in life long dividends of love, loyalty, happiness.
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or not so evil
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chuck norris does not sleep , he waits! hehe

I heart techno!
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Viewing 12 of 25 friends


my name is me

all about me



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 04/18/2009 12:55 pm


soooo old pro!

Report | 02/03/2008 12:38 pm


and love you

Report | 02/03/2008 12:38 pm


I can protect you

Report | 02/03/2008 12:37 pm


would you keep me/

Report | 02/03/2008 12:37 pm


yes I would keep you too

Report | 12/19/2007 1:19 am


Yes I would keep you

Report | 10/20/2007 10:58 pm


KORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey just thought id actually go on Gaia and leave you a comment:


See there is your comment. Don't let the vicious mercilous bloodsucking face ripping sun fearing atheists that go on a random killing spree for no real cause vampires get you.

Report | 09/07/2007 8:29 pm


Possibility of someone Kori knows could have attempted to log on to the account, either a hacking "friend" or Kori let her password out. I was never told about this.

Report | 08/07/2007 12:19 pm


well if u need any money i will be willing to give u about 5 k

Report | 07/30/2007 1:42 am


this is a pathetic excuse of a "hack" and only proves that the human is the biggest flaw in security technology but this is no hacker, I've seen the attack before and it's elementary at best, if the offender had any skill what so ever they'd have bigger fish to fry


heart if i followed you home would you keep me? heart User Image