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Hat Bat Thwack's avatar

Last Login: 12/26/2023 8:12 pm

Registered: 06/24/2010

Location: United States

Birthday: 09/17

Occupation: Student

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I'm not good at introducing myself at all so this'll be short.
I'm Hat Bat Thwack, or just Hat, asshat, etc
I don't like baseball, sorry, i just like how my name rhymed.
I'm lazy, somewhat funny (maybe not emotion_8c ), and generally like to mess around.
I used to play zOMG! a lot like 2-3 years back but not so much anymore. Moved on and got a life. Nojustkidding I don't have one qq
There's probably more I could fit in here but eh, maybe another time.
Waait.. And to everyone I've met and stayed on my friend list, you guys are great hehe heart
I don't come here that much anymore sadly but I try to somewhat.

I need to rewrite this... eventually

ty everyone that helped me to get the north kitten star - 1/2/11
ty inferno for the titus the lion -12/25/12
ty vinny for pepper the cat - 4/28/13


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Anjoulie Report | 07/13/2022 1:30 pm
Awh, but math is kind of part of science too. :3

Yeah, my local mushrooms aren't that fancy either. Perhaps he wouldn't have become as fascinated with ones like ours but it's great that he did.

I mean, it does sound appealing: that you can have the luxury of getting where you want and when you want while you don't have to focus on how to get there, especially as people's ability to focus seems to erode more and more. Still I think they're going about this backwards and I wonder why. Maybe part of the reason is that public transport never developed as much in the US (unfortunately) but it's the US who are leading in the development of self-driving vehicles?
Qytz Report | 05/17/2022 10:38 pm
Agwe/Qyrz here, Hope you're doing well, miss doing our thing on zOMG
Anjoulie Report | 04/29/2022 12:33 pm
It's funny cause people say that a lot and I don't know why. :3

Then again, have you seen this mushroom documentary that was trending on yt not long ago?
(It's very cool imho.)
Somewhere near the start the guy says he used to be a software engineer before he got into mushrooms and that nature is much more complex than what he was used to. ^^
But he's kinda blessed with his shrooms, they're less colorful in our parts of the world.

I did a bit of many things (they overlap anyway) but not marine bio and I think not environmental and generally avoided what involved "sacrificing" animals as much as possible.

Well, if you're still paranoid that something would happen, then the autonomous cars aren't good enough yet. wink
To be honest though, I never understood why they wouldn't start their automation with trains instead. That seems a lot easier to me because there's only so many things you can do as a train, whereas cars can go in all sorts of directions so it must be more difficult for algorithms to predict what other cars might be doing. But maybe that's less attractive for some reason?
Anjoulie Report | 04/24/2022 11:15 am
Ah that's good. You probably won't have much of a problem finding work then. :3
Well, if you drive, you can still listen to audiobooks or podcasts. And some day maybe autonomous cars will be a thing, then you could also read books and such.
Oh, my field is biology. It's far less luctrative. xp
Anjoulie Report | 04/19/2022 12:04 pm
Oh, I don't think we've spoken about what your field is. :3 Sounds like a plan tho!
There are positives and negatives to everything. Commutes don't have to be bad. If it's not too long and you have good public transport, you can spend this time reading or 'processing your day' or deciding what to have for dinner. Whereas working from home can make you feel isolated and give you cabin fever and can suck if you have noisy neighbors. ^^
But yeah, perception of time is very relative and you probably didn't get to do as much fun stuff. =(
Anjoulie Report | 04/01/2022 11:45 am
Yeah, that's kinda sad. sad
Oh, I hope you find something good soon! Meh, I don't think anyone's life has been improved by the pandemic. So my irl stuff could be better too.
Anjoulie Report | 03/26/2022 12:16 pm
Hey Hat! It's kinda boring cause nobody is around anymore. sad
I mostly just log on, see what happened, then log off again.
I hope you're having fun irl and all!
Anjoulie Report | 03/11/2022 12:12 pm
Oeufs Report | 11/22/2019 11:57 pm
sister hat we must gather for mass ,,,
alert the other sisters
Oeufs Report | 11/22/2019 11:49 pm
redface sister hat