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Tiny_Flower_Buds's avatar

Birthday: 06/12


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What a simple way to get a glimpse into my life, or my personality, however,

do you really think that that's possible? I must tell you it is just silly! Open

minded and curious, that's me! However easy going I may be, believing

pictures posted on profiles is not my hobby! Simple photos may equal a

thousand words, yet people sometimes forget that these little snapshots of time

are mute. Oh yes. Just to inform you, the following paragraph is not real. It is just

an... Anecdote. If you wish to,read it, and you will understand.

~My jacket sits upon an unorganized bench with many of my sweaters.

Before I slip it onto my shoulders, I dodge up the stairs. Into my messy room I

go, seizing my ipod. I softly sneak out the door to fading light. A Chinese, or

Japanese, girl zips along with earphones in her ears. She shouts and stops,

and dashes back into a house to grab something. She nods her head and

thanks the woman who hands it to her. I was planning to sing along to a

Japanese song, but I feel self conscience. At the end of my street I take right.

This is the way to my bus stop, but it's vacation. The mailbox clicks and I bundle

up the letters. Pavement and ice grinds under my shoes as I shuffle across the

road. Chilly air makes bumps pri ck my skin. 3 4 6 1 9... VROOOM. 163's garage

door opens. When I walk into the house, I check to see if the guinea pigs are

well. (Or maybe just alive is good!) Soon the door is closed and my ipod is

playing my music and I'm putting the guinea pig cage bottom in a trash bag.

The soiled hay falls to the dirty bag. Singing to the music gets me into a rhythm.

After I have put in new hay I take the guinea pigs out. I stroke them and read

and listen to music. It is distracting but it works. Soon I realize it's dark. Oh no.

Shutting off the lights is something I am required to do as I leave the house. I

get into a mad scramble and try and find my boots in the dark. I run out of the

garage and close it. A car comes around the corner and I hide. Paranoia is a

symptom of being me. The car stops. A woman comes out and looks around. It's

almost pitch black. No, no, no. I run skid across snow and hope the woman

doesn't notice. Her car starts to inch forwards, as if it's following me. I fly up the

hill to my house! I'm home, and safe... But I forgot my book at the house. Shoot.~


View All Comments

Shay15isawesome Report | 04/30/2011 10:54 am
hey whats your guilds name again? I forgot it...
Shay15isawesome Report | 04/30/2011 10:54 am
I LOVE FANG!!!! HE IS AWESOME!!! ~srry i just saw the cartoon of fang that says if its roated he will eat it.
Tiny_Flower_Buds Report | 04/15/2011 5:33 pm
We'll see who's working with me! (Creepy stare.) WE'LL SEE! MWAHAHA. (cough cough) I mean... I'll think about it. Ha... (nervous laughter.
Ashomi love Report | 04/15/2011 4:48 pm
Ashomi love
Hiya~! I'm commenting to ask if I can be second in comand in your coolio giuld!!
Ashomi love Report | 03/18/2011 3:31 pm
Ashomi love
hi lovely~!!! jk lololol!! i love the paragraph you wrote!!! it was soooo beautiful!!!
Tiny_Flower_Buds Report | 01/27/2011 7:46 am
User Image
Total Value: 3,066,760 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Angelic Manner
Bunny Flop
White Bun-Bun Plushie
Midnight Black Sweet Lace Dress
Audrey's Black Ankle Strap Heels
Bitter Porridge
User Image
Total Value: 2,220,980 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Bunny Flop
Angelic Manner
Brown Bun-Bun Plushie
Powder Blue Sweet Lace Dress
Angelic Lace
Dainty Porridge
ciqi Report | 01/27/2011 5:47 am
User Image
Total Value: 2,579,865 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Gogh Reed 9th Gen.
Dappy Dandy
Sunflower Picnic Sun Dress
La Jolie Dormeuse
Gift of the Colibri
ciqi Report | 01/27/2011 5:39 am
User Image
Total Value: 14,458,498 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Gothic Butterfly
Opal Borealis
Coal Black Rivet Heels
Wine Gothic Bat Corset Dress
Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy
Gogh Reed 3rd Gen.
Gogh Reed 3rd Gen.
Cerynitian's Blessing
Actaeon's Blessing
Gogh Reed 3rd Gen.
Secret Butterflies
Secret Purple Butterflies
Gothic Butterfly
Gothic Butterfly
Tiny_Flower_Buds Report | 01/18/2011 5:22 pm
User Image
Total Value: 13,485,688 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
North Kitten Star
Noel's Gift
Noel's Gift
Autumn Wings
Kanoko's Nightmares
Masquerade 7th Gen.
Enchanted Book
Tiny_Flower_Buds Report | 01/18/2011 8:54 am
User Image
Total Value: 384,990,426 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Secret Sparkles
North Kitten Star
North Kitten Star
North Kitten Star
Angelic Lace
Compass of Seidh 4th Gen
Angelic Halo
Gogh Reed
Mana Seed



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