
Hi! rofl Im Ehokke, and welcome to my page! So ya....look around I guess o.o

I roleplay. PM if you want to 1x1 with me.

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Report | 04/07/2013 11:00 am


(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥
Deadly Toxicity

Report | 07/04/2012 10:40 am

Deadly Toxicity

I can make it interesting, yes? emotion_awesome

Report | 02/15/2012 3:17 pm


I'm more into RPG's myself-but I'm disgusted with Final Fantasy due to 13. That was the straw that broke my back. stare I've seen some vids of her!! She-uh...I wont tell you due to spoilers. Let's just say she grows up in the following Fear games and...well she has 'needs'. redface Check Amazon.com it'll have what your looking for! I'm relying on that site a lot now. I'm thinking of buying Resonance of Fate. I just need to check out the battle system.

My dad scared the p*ss out of me when I was just a little kid when he played resident evil....2 or 3 for the playstation. My sister owned the console (she's a year younger than me) and so when he rented resi evil he had to play it in our room. He didn't get past the second screen after the chick crashed on the road. The zombies kept munching and munching on the chick and the blood was EVERYWHERE on the screen and i was petrified. All this while i was in bed. (bunk beds, i was on the top bunk) even now it freaks me out.

I dislike survival horror games because your incapable of running for your damn life and your basically a stupid n*pplehead who can't fight worth a cr*p which bugs the hell out of me. If a zombies about to chomp on you, the natural response is to run shrieking in the opposite direction, that, or beat the hell out of it with an improvised weapon. I REALLY like the the look of Dead Island though. Now THATS a zombie game I can get behind! If only it didn't rely so heavily on multiplayer co-op in later missions. I'd be on that sh*t so fast.

But I DO have Resi evil veronica. It actually belongs to dad, but he doesn't have the b*lls to play it, i've played it a fair bit but got peeved with the controls and lack of weaponry. And as I've mentioned before, I have Silent Hill 4 (the one with Heather in it) I'm easily freaked out, but in a masochistic way, I like it. I get the w*liies when it comes to water level's though, something about it freaks me the hell out. Took me ages to finally get over myself in Skyrim because you can't see anything from the surface until you get in the water and you can't fight in the water either. So your basically a sitting duck.

Report | 02/08/2012 11:33 am


Did you get the other siren games? how about Fatal Frame? There's also a game by the same creators of Haunting Ground called Clocktower I believe. I'd ask if you played Fear but thats a bang bang your dead fifty thousand bullets with a crate of explosives and your dead type of game. I am presently, hooked on skyrim. Which is a good thing seeing as i have a few more weeks to go before ME3 pops out. Not doing too bad considering, but it looks like I may be moving house shortly. Which is a tad worrying because I have a lotta stuff to shift and i dont wanna leave it behind. Plus, i'll have to pester mum about getting wireless in the new place (especially before me3 comes out if i want the damn downloads)

What survival horror games have you played before that you liked the most?

Report | 01/16/2012 2:39 am


Yeah problem is the graphics HAVE NOT moved along. If anything they look worse. Choppy dungeon backgrounds, and terribly rendered monster and character frames. Ugh. It just doesn't justify buying a 3DS. sad Still, there might be decent RPG type games for it in the future (ther f*cking better be emotion_donotwant grr) but i'm not buying anything until RF4 is scheduled for release here. Because there are already rumours about a new 3DS. rolleyes

Silent Hill. I have 2 games, homecoming and...4 I think? Its the one that has Heather in it. I like them both, but i prefer homecoming somewhat because Alex doesn't move and fight like a total n*pplehead in comparison to every other SH title. But it does still have huge drawbacks. biggrin Do you like survival horror type titles? Check out Haunting Ground, that's one fecked up game. (it made even me go, I'm sorry your a nutter and all but-wtf did you just-jezus H christ!!! RUN!! ) You don't get weapons, you have a dog you instruct to distract and attack stalkers (thats what the 'bosses' are called) he also sniffs out items and goes places you cant. (same in vice versa) But there is a TON of puzzles. neutral Some of the rooms are b00by trapped and the only way to make them safe is to have a particular item on hand-the first one needs a little puppet which you hang on the slot in the door which switches off the mechanism that would spit darts at you if you simply walked on in. You can only get said puppet if you send your dog (hewie) to find it in a huge pile of rubble out on the grounds. The second trap that stands out is the arrow trap. You go down the hall and stop, theres a turn to the left i think where a suit of armour (its the only way you can go) stands on the opposite side. If you walk on, the armour lifts it's arm which has a crossbow attached and fires at you. To get past this, you have to send the dog out first so he can lead you safely across the room (there's a pressure plates on the ground I think because Hewie leads you in a criss cross formation from one end of the hall to the other.)

HG is a good looking game but the problem comes from hiding from your stalkers. There are 4 stalkers in total and 2 typical types of enemy. The 4th stalker takes great joy in harassing you in 3-4 forms. Because you can't fight (technically you can't, you have to use your environment to off your stalkers only when the game lets you) you have to run and hide. Problem is, that's not as easy as it seems because those buggers could walk into a room and you'd be hiding under the bed and they'd search everywhere BUT the bed, then walk out-5 seconds later they'll run back in, search the room and if your seriously unlucky, they'll find you. I look annoying when you have to backtrack like mad to escape the stalker, but it's nerve wracking. heart

sorry i have a throat +chest infection so i was downed for a few days. What do you think of my Peter White cosplay?

gaia_angelleft gaia_kittenstar gaia_angelright
The Gentle Roemer

Report | 01/15/2012 5:42 pm

The Gentle Roemer

Unlike my hair in real life :3
The Gentle Roemer

Report | 01/13/2012 1:19 pm

The Gentle Roemer

Nothing really x.x omg your characters hair is so long
The Gentle Roemer

Report | 01/12/2012 6:11 pm

The Gentle Roemer

:3 I feel it is better to have something to do then nothing to do
The Gentle Roemer

Report | 01/12/2012 5:54 pm

The Gentle Roemer

I'm wonderful ^.^ :3 I'm not busy though
The Gentle Roemer

Report | 01/11/2012 4:47 pm

The Gentle Roemer

Hi how have you been :3


Assistance? It's greatly appreciated.[/size:9143c86816][/color:9143c86816]
I couldn't think of anything clever to write, so I wrote this.[/align:9143c86816][/color:9143c86816][/size:9143c86816]