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MuseInTheAir's avatar

Birthday: 04/23

Wish List




Three names I go by:
1. sid (the preferred)
2. sidney
3. "that crazy girl over there."

Three Jobs I have had in my life
1. babysitting
2. personal Therapist (because apparently i'm a good relationship expert >_> psh.)
3. freelance squirrel trainer

Three Places I have lived
1. on a couch
2. in a bedroom in oregon
3. arizona

Three Favorite drinks
1. coffee
2. water
3. coffee

Three TV Shows that I watch
1. bones
2. supernatural
3. glee (on occasion)

Three places I have been
1. the roof
2. on a hill
3. underwater

Three of my favorite foods
1. chinese (quick, easy, and gives you bad stomach aches : D)
2. coffee, which is indeed a food. no, it's a food group all its own.
3. corn nuts

Three favorite sayings
1. Uhhhh
2. Yes....
3. That's what she said ^.^

Three of my favorite pieces of clothing
1. worn out converse
2. my girlfriend's sweatshirt (s)
3. pants?

Three Things I am looking forward to
1. moving out of my parents' house. stinks like smoke in there.
2. sleep
3. more sleep

Three favorite songs
1. uprising - muse
2. she don't want the world - 3 doors down
3. the paffendorf dance (just for its name)

Three favorite colors
1. rainbow. it covers all colors. i am, actually, a fanatic for rainbows : D

i love my girly, as she loves me : D


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xxxI love rainbows.

xxxI am also a fan of giant teddy bears.

xxxYa, i kinda need a better signature.
