Curious Desire

Curious Desire 's avatar

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My Crazy Little Self

My nickname is B and I'm pretty easy to get along with. I don't mind people as long as they don't make me mad or annoy me. I'm really a fun person and I'm outgoing. I'm getting married in May of 2011 and am very excited.

I love anime, books, music, art, video games, Living Dead Dolls and clothes. I love to go shopping for clothes or designing my own clothes to have made. One of my favorite things to do is put together cosplay for anime conventions. And if you tell me that you're gonna be at a con, I'll be more than happy to meet up with you. I'm all for meeting more friends.

Everything that I'm interested is listed in my tags, so go have a look. If you want to leave a comment, leave a nice one. I hate it when people are mean. Especially if they're mean for no reason. There is no need to mean to someone you don't even know.

I'd like to think I'm a practical person. I am sometimes, but most of the time I'm a big kid. I'm fascinated by shiny objects and toys from the 80s. And also...movies from the 80s. I'm a 80s child...what can I say? I love toys...especially action figures from my favorite movie, video game, or anime.

I love to have pictures of every event that I do or go to. My mother never really took pictures when we were kids, so I guess that's why I have to have pictures from the here and now and my college life. I want to start a scrap book soon of everything I've done from high school on. I have pictures from concerts, Halloween, everyday things, and so on.

I've met one famous person in my life and it was just for a brief moment, but it was one of the best moments of my life. I met Yoshiki Hayashi at Otakon 2006. He was just so nice and...awesome. He didn't have to come out to shake the hands of those who were waiting in line that didn't get autographs, but he did. And that made me so happy. Shaking hands with Yoshiki was just breathtaking.

I have no religious preference because I hate organized religion. I want to worship on my terms and worship the way I want. I do not want to do it in a building full of people that I dislike or who dislike me. I'd rather be out in nature doing something productive instead of being in a building doing something useless with people who hate me.

I hate labels. They're pointless and stupid. They serve no purpose other than to degrade people or make fun of them. That's all I have to say on that subject.

I don't normally judge people before I get to know them. I never know if they're gonna be someone I'll like or someone I'll hate. I give people a chance, but there are people who don't give me a chance.

That's about it. If you want to talk you can drop me a line here or a PM.



View All Comments

Aixial Report | 12/15/2010 4:49 pm
Thank you! =)
ammaea Report | 12/14/2010 1:51 pm
Your avvi is SO beautiful!! 3nodding
I randomly found it in the Art Arena - lol.. don't even ask what I was doing there. There's a first for everything huh.. anyway. I couldn't Not leave you a comment razz
Hm, I didn't even check to see if you still frequent Gaia.. this might have been a waste of time. ohwell. lol
^^ take care
shiva21978 Report | 12/13/2010 3:40 pm
my,pleasure and i love that movie sins i was a small child. User Image

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