Silver Prelude's avatar

Last Login: 10/11/2016 8:04 pm

Registered: 11/26/2005

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Hallo, I am Silver Prelude. :3 I'm currently obsessed with Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Yaaa~

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tah0 Report | 02/09/2010 8:52 pm
Sorry to bother, but I was wondering who those two people in your signature are.
ToastWilder Report | 05/10/2009 10:21 am
Hm, yes, I can see how that bugs you.
my ava has so much stuff in its face. razz
ToastWilder Report | 05/10/2009 2:58 am
I thought the orange one was perfect, although perhaps not matches up with your armscars.
Ah well~
ToastWilder Report | 05/09/2009 11:06 am
it's really cheap since it was on daily chance~
I hope they make a red berries one :V
ToastWilder Report | 05/09/2009 3:43 am
yes you could totally use the skittles face paint for burns in the face. :0
ToastWilder Report | 05/01/2009 9:53 am
Yeah... I sort of had more respect for this website before.
It's a good community with loads of great items for your avatar, but I didn't know we had to be 24/7 slaves to it just to get a above average cool item if we're not gonna pay real money.
... ).
ToastWilder Report | 04/29/2009 11:08 pm
Yes, yes, perhaps. Only they seem to release ALL new items in the cash shop which bothers me a lot.
Sure, of course they should want a couple of few there but right now it's boominggg.
ToastWilder Report | 04/29/2009 10:40 am
Paha xD
Aah, yes... Benkei's sash has pompoms that looks like boms on it... but yeah. there aren't many explosives.
...just a bazooka. ... and like, Carol of Ol Nick has a Hellfire.
... there's not much blood spattered on a white suit either <3
ToastWilder Report | 04/28/2009 1:29 pm
It is nice to be Nice. xD
That's pretty much the only reason why I go here. To cosplay for virtual gold. <3
I put Ladd together in about 10 minutes, after seeing your Nice. I felt like a mime but that hadn't crossed my mind <D
ToastWilder Report | 04/27/2009 10:56 pm


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Yellow De Tokiwagrove


^ Kiichi is awesome 'cause she
gave me the ORLY? Hat. >w

Delaney is my sister. She is having an intense staring contest with Kiichi. v

Thank you, TorianaLaiana!

Thank you, Saochi!

Thank you, rplover123470!

Thank you, Dannichan!
