
Heya, my name is Emily, but you can call me Green, Sea, or Monkey. Or, GSM. I heart the color green, heart the sea, and heart monkeys! I may have a mule for this, or this may be a mule domokun You shall never know!Uh, I love watching T.V. and only a few people know my age. I shall never release my age unless you are a really close friend, or I know you in real life. Gaia is pretty much an addiction to me, and if I lost internet I would die. Um, I do NOT speak n00b, I'm old enough to know that is completly annoying. I will NOT beg, I'm old and wise enough to know that is completly stupid. If you want to know more about me, you either have to read on, or PM me.
Name: Emily
Birthday: 4/17/????
Favorite Holiday: Christmas, or... My birthday! xDDD
Addictions: Sunny D, Popcorn, Sannwiches, Babylon5, Harvest Moon, Kingdom Hearts, Zelda, Link, Epona, Link, Link, Link, did I mention Link? Riku, Sora, Kairi, Sora, Riku, Riku, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Riku, Riku, Riku, Sora, did I mention RIKU?!
Questing: Things is teh wishlist
Favorite n00b saying:
7yk, z0m1g@wd, u, 7yk, br0k3 @ n@17!oneone!1elevendy!


Viewing 7 of 7 friends


Blehmargness Journal

This is my journal. Please read it.



Viewing 10 of 19 comments.

` A p p l e T r e e

Report | 03/09/2007 12:52 pm

` A p p l e T r e e

<333 Commenting for gold I can send to my account

Report | 05/19/2006 5:09 pm


is this nonsense true?
you're leaving gaia?
that makes me kind of sad.
don't worry i'll always remember us laughing at all those stupid people who actually thought i was dying.
too bad that thread died, its a bummer really.

love love.

Report | 04/17/2006 10:31 pm


Loong time no talk! Dx
Happy late easter. 8]
Bassken Lake Monster

Report | 03/14/2006 7:19 am

Bassken Lake Monster

Ambidextrous Muffin

Report | 02/27/2006 4:20 am

Ambidextrous Muffin

you have-eth the same profile as meh... yay for riku! whee

Report | 02/26/2006 11:45 pm


I love your name. heart
It reminds me of my best friend, her name is Emily too! xD
I also like your avatar <333

Report | 02/23/2006 7:03 pm


*Beats Tsumi's lip picture* mad Dun kiss her. ;_;
*Hugs GreenSea*
I luff you Sugar Green. <3

Report | 02/20/2006 1:07 am


=O OMG you're not on my friendslist! *le gaspu*

Report | 02/18/2006 8:13 pm



I must say, I'm way jealous of your splurged out ava.
Tsumi no Batsu

Report | 02/14/2006 10:41 am

Tsumi no Batsu

~*Let me...

User Image

...Kiss you~*

A Valentine's Day bump. ~<3


Crimson Red Pimpin' Cane
Donated by Mandy_72
Mandy is the smex!