Shiro Nioniji
Hellooooo! GAOOOO!!My name's.... Call Me Shiro Nioniji! YEAHH!
Just call me that cause I don't wanna spill my real name here smile
I love drawing, it's my passion, I love anime, Haruhi Suzumiya, Lucky Star and a lot more.
I also like video games, computer games and sweets!! SWEETS!!!
My Favorite colors are black gray and white... and purple.... and neon blue.... and neon green and a lot more!!!
I'm a hardcore fangirl. YEAH!!! YOU HEARD..... YOU READ THAT RIGHT!!! YEAHH!!!
Any one is welcome to be my friend!!! MMHMMN!!!

I always dreamed that smile

Lillith Lithium Drew Me!!!!!
(Yes, It's important so all first letters must be capitalized!!!)

I drew Nioniji!!! yay!!!
Chibi Requests only costs 200 G!!! So if you want to request, Just PM me! whee
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Guess who~ 4laugh
Mines a garlic one
Its a squid!