Lavender Town


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Kookoo Ah-Choo Report | 05/03/2012 5:39 pm
Kookoo Ah-Choo
(sorry for breaking the mojo,we havn't talked in a while,how are you?)
Kookoo Ah-Choo Report | 07/27/2011 9:35 pm
Kookoo Ah-Choo
*the "clicker and clatter" dies down a bit*

*I yawn,not wanting to leave the warm comfort of the tail,but I lick my teath,and wake up.*
* I inhale deeply,and wake. hungry*
Kookoo Ah-Choo Report | 07/27/2011 1:01 am
Kookoo Ah-Choo
*the man is unhappily burrying his head in his hands,massaging his temples,and wondering what to do*

Primeape scoops up a chestnut with his nubs,and walks away,happy to have another,he sits down,puts it on the floor,and eats it from the floor,dosn't really mind,as he was starved*
Kookoo Ah-Choo Report | 07/27/2011 12:41 am
Kookoo Ah-Choo
*after a while,the door opens,and the man walks in,slumping down on a nearby chair and putting his head in his hands in thought*

*The Primeape holds out his nubs for the chestnuts,he was willing to do anything if it envolved being able to get more of the delicious delights*
"alright" *he snorts* " just be wary"
Kookoo Ah-Choo Report | 07/27/2011 12:10 am
Kookoo Ah-Choo
*the only choice is to "lye in wait" then*

*the primepe drools,and takes the chestnut in his mouth,almost biting her finger*
*scarf* *grind*
these are...*chew* so good! It's been *scarf* forever!
* he stamps his foot in enlightenment,one of the first times he's not angry as hell*
Kookoo Ah-Choo Report | 07/26/2011 11:55 pm
Kookoo Ah-Choo
*the grunts are "hopping mad",wondering what to do,and worrying about their jobs,if they would get fired,one of the voices,is familiar,and when listening closer,you realize one of them is the same grunt who took your "precious energy",and spoke very .."uncomfortable" words to you*
*The Primeape,with his mouth still full,answers. "yeah,but just be careful,we still..*munch*..don't know about ..*crunch*..if they are..*snort*..looking for us..*gulp* *

*Quinn,stretching and fluffing up his tails,wraps one around the sableye,who seems to enjoy it's warmth..a vulpix has a flame inside it,that never goes out,that's how they get their warmth and fire,so it's nice and.."toasty". comforting and relaxing...soon enough though,other injured pokemon end up sleeping on his tails*
*he simply laughs,and decides to let them*
Kookoo Ah-Choo Report | 07/26/2011 11:34 pm
Kookoo Ah-Choo
*after a while,things seem to 'quite down"*

*he takes the chestnut in his "nubs" and tries to bring it up to his mouth,dropping it on the floor in his attempt. he then stamps his feet in anger and aggravation*
"damn those bastards for taking my hands! my hands!"
Kookoo Ah-Choo Report | 07/26/2011 11:20 pm
Kookoo Ah-Choo
*you hear people knocking things over,running in and out of the doors,yelling,and trying to manage everything out. it seems,every single pokemon held captive,is gone. besides the ones in pokeballs,dead,or in testing holds*

*primeape kicks walls,smashing them, "We're never going to find anything edible in here! it's just rock and dust! oh oh! this just boils my blood!..what I would give for a chestnut right now!"*
*his shackles dangle with him,making a "cling cling" sound against his "stubs" of hands,as he goes on,ranting on a dream of chestnuts*
Kookoo Ah-Choo Report | 07/25/2011 3:01 am
Kookoo Ah-Choo
*lying in wait,night turns to day*

*The pokemon in the cavern sleep away the night,tired,and having finally gotten some water,and a little bit of food to drink,slept straight until morning*
Kookoo Ah-Choo Report | 07/25/2011 2:44 am
Kookoo Ah-Choo
*others,agreeing to do so as well,decide to rest from the exhibits of the day,Quinn,taking care of the Sableye's back,washing it,splintering it,and bandaging it,the best he could..though,it would have been easier if the small pokemon had better posture..*
*Quinn sits down,his back against the cavern wall,and the Sableye,Asleep,Beside him*
*Wiggleytuff was moving gracefully from pokemon to pokemon,lulling those who could not rest,to sleep,with her song,then,she sits down next to Primeape,to calm him down,and have him rest*