♥Lovable Me♥

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Registered: 06/27/2011

Gender: Female

Location: California USA

Birthday: 02/27/1989


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Insignificant Dreams

You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...

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Lurkers >_>



This is the story of a girl♪

In my field of paper flowers
and candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
and watch my purple sky fly over me...

*giggles* Hello, my name is Daphne! I'm just a regular peasant mortal exploring Gaia. I'm kind, loving and fun, but I do protect those close to me and am in the process of collecting deadly weapons to protect myself. You see many years ago my entire family was murdered by evil ninjas because my father was in debt to them. Instead of just taking him they took down the whole family 'cept for me, where I was then sold to an old woman who I grew up taking care of.

Because of my lonely and loveless life I devote my time to helping others and be-friending both new-comers of Gaia and elders. I help whomever I'm able to. I also devote my time training on zomg so that I can defeat that evil ninja clan when I'm finally ready and am able to track them down. If you need help on zomg please add me and msg me and I'll gladly help you.

**Note: The information above is about my RPG character, and isn't about the real me (though it would be cool if I can kick some ninja a**). Gaia is my escape from reality of which I keep both separated from one another.



Proud Member of The Paladin's Oath



View All Comments

soraaltima Report | 01/22/2012 5:44 am
Please come back into my life...
soraaltima Report | 09/18/2011 8:37 pm
Hey mizzkryptik, I've had a lot to think about but I'm back now. Whats up?
HelloImMac Report | 07/28/2011 9:03 pm
Just hanging out with friends and enjoying my summer.
b b u n n y b o o Report | 07/27/2011 1:04 pm
Yes. Same here Except my grandpa died before I was born. My grandma took care of me while my parents were at work. She had this sickness where she forgot everyone.. she didn't remember who I was because I looked older than before but she'd always call my name and I did her a favor I took care of her like she did to me. I had so many memories of her and I together.. Every time I look at her picture my eyes starting watering..
HelloImMac Report | 07/26/2011 3:10 am
Hey what's up?
soraaltima Report | 07/24/2011 8:57 pm
Hola, huh? Uuummmm... how about konnichiwa!
ruler0fw0rlds Report | 07/23/2011 11:34 pm
lmao its not our fault such an evil b***h can be so ******** looking.. thats the only good thing about her and in all honesty looks fade... lmao i actually am kinda jelly but i can tell ur really disturbed by it and i understand especially given all the crazy ******** that exist in the world and that youve dealt with.. i know this wont make things better but sometimes even the person in front of u in line at the grocery store or walmart can be a ******** up sicko ya know? youll never know and im sure youve been near one many times and didnt know.. just be glad u live in a safe environment and nobody like that is under ur roof or in ur daily life. yeah w/e u had her on ur fb.. she wasnt ur friend in person and shes not really apart of ur life.. just think of that and look at it as a sign that there isnt ppl like her in ur life. thats what i do when i hear about this s**t so it eases any feelings of being disturbed
ruler0fw0rlds Report | 07/23/2011 11:27 pm
lmao yeah you should be more careful in all honesty.. lmao as ******** as that woman is though, i cant lie i think shes kinda hawt.. id bone her
ruler0fw0rlds Report | 07/23/2011 11:24 pm
lmao did u talk to her?
ruler0fw0rlds Report | 07/23/2011 11:22 pm
holy s**t i thought u were lying then i looked through your friends lmfao omg.... u were friends with a real killer wow...

What's new pussycat? Woah-woah-woah-woah-woooahhhh