Hello, I'm The_Slayen!
i'm 26 (F)
Excuse my absence. I jump on and off of gaia these days.
I'd love to hear from you still.

- The_Slayen


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retro-kaijuu Report | 06/08/2024 8:47 pm
╓═══════ /| ^._.^ /| ═══════╖

Thats cool!~ As boring as it may sound I also like all those things lol

i’m a cat mom, i’ve really been into figure-modding lately. i also have a guitar i am sorely under-trained for that my girlfriend bought for me after we watched Bocchi the Rock!
And that same gf loves legos models too. I thinks she owns almost all the plants and last time I was at her house she just received one of the ummm Earth-revolving-around-the-Sun devices thingys? (I think when she finished it it will kick the leg Space Shuttle out of it place as reigning cool toy on the TV!

(speaking of models and lego flowers-- have you sen those ultra cool lego flower Mechas? Man I want to make one so bad!! (ᗒ◡ᗕ))
╙═══════ 🔪🔪🔪🔪 ═══════╜
retro-kaijuu Report | 06/08/2024 7:32 pm
╓═══════ /| ^._.^ /| ═══════╖

i've seen you on and about too! Sorry i was too shy to message you first!

What kind of things are you into? Shows? Music? Pets?

╙═══════ 🔪🔪🔪🔪 ═══════╜
Ratholin Report | 06/08/2024 4:27 pm
hope all is well.
X_Shadow97_X Report | 06/02/2024 2:12 am
Hey biggrin biggrin heart
Ratholin Report | 08/20/2023 11:25 am
heya! hope all is going well.
Ratholin Report | 03/30/2022 1:15 pm
hey hey!
Ratholin Report | 11/28/2021 3:23 pm
jjanties. cut offs that are cut so short they become underwear. It's a real word I learned it on the big fat quiz of the year once.
Ratholin Report | 11/01/2021 11:21 am
ahh that's good. I notice you sell a lot of pairs of janties on your current one.
Ratholin Report | 11/01/2021 9:58 am
not a lot. just checking gaia to see if I have any messages. Pretty much the only thing I do on here. Then off to try the new update in elder scrolls online.
Ratholin Report | 09/28/2021 1:25 pm
well genshin impact apparently has fishing a lot of my friends are playing that now. elder scrolls online the only mmo I play has fishing too though it's not skill based biggrin

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Last Login: 06/10/2024 12:33 am

Registered: 09/06/2011

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Birthday: 08/27/1997


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Inu Asura

My avi art collection <3

thank you for everyone who created my avi art displayed

From another time.Missed, and not forgotten.