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or are you...

About Me
Hello, my name is Ben. I a normal 14 year old male, unless you consiter random and scycopathic unnormal! I am your average geek, doing average geek things. I have split personalities involving me, I, myself, and "Me". I am single and not looking.

About "Me"

Character Name: Unknown Player Name: Ben
Class: Spell Sword/ Sith Marauder Level: 100 Race: Echani
Alignments: Chaotic Evil Religion: Betijuistia Patron Deity: Self

Stat. Lvl.*
Str. 20
Dex. 12
Con. 20
Int. 17
Wis. 20
Cha. 15
*Stats based on a 10-20 scale Combat Options

Close Combat: Katana, Sword, Lightsaber (Silver), Short Saber (Silver), Martial Arts Mastery (Black Belt Lvl.), Martial Arts Mastery (Echani)
Distance Combat: Flame Spell Mastery, Shadow Spell Mastery, Force Mastery (Dark Side), Flame Thrower (Implant)

Magic Items Equipped:
Head: Dark Mantle (Hood)
Hand(s): Gold Gauntlets ( 10 Str.)
Eyes: Enhanced Vision ( 4 Dex.)
Arms/Wrists: Vibro Raps*
Neck: Enchanted Ruby Pendent ( 3 Fire Dmg)
Body: Ancient Hakama (-3 Dex., 3 Cha.)
Shoulders: Dark Mantle (-2 Dmg. Mod.)
Torso: Black Echani Fiber Armor ( 8 Def., 5 Dex)
Waist: Energy Flux Belt**
Feet: Echani Fiber Boots ( 3 dex)
Ring: Ring of Barahir ( 1 Will)

* Made of woven threads of steel and laced with cortosis, these wraps give the user the ability to block anything from swords to Lightsabers with they forearms.
** This belt holds back energy making sure user doesn’t wear out quickly. Attached to the neural system this belt can even hold back or cause the flow of adrenalin.

People I have converted to the Dark Side:
-X_A Beautiful Disgrace_X
- ObitoxRin
- The Lost Anbu
- Jade_Kakashi
- Danzavare
- Itachi178
- SasorixSakura
- Heartless911
- DFP18
- Emo_Sakura San
- x_xkrazy_k00lx_x

If you are interested in being converted to the Dark Side PM me!
Join me, and your eyes will turn yellow and you can kill people with lightning from your finger tips!

Famous Quotes from Me and Friends:
Gaia Online
We're working on a machine that crushes your body to pixels and lets you live entirely inside the Internet, but it currently has some minor bugs involving instant death.

That's right Al--you lost! And let me tell what you didn't win: a
twenty-volume set of the Encyclopedia International, a case of Turtle
Wax, and a year's supply of Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco treat. But
that's not all! You also made yourself look like a jerk in front of
millions of people! And you brought shame and disgrace on your family
name for generations to come! You don't get to come back tomorrow! You
don't even get a lousy copy of your home game! You're a complete loser!!

While taking the True Ninja Quiz
36. Who do you love?

Her name is Kil Ling...I met her once in a distant land....
(now say it out loud)

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Viewing 12 of 19 friends


BusinessMans Journal

Hello peoples

A journal i might pust stuff in.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

KI l l e r - - KE n z i e

Report | 07/02/2010 10:39 pm

KI l l e r - - KE n z i e

I miss youuuu.
X_A Beautiful Disgrace_X

Report | 11/22/2009 12:32 pm

X_A Beautiful Disgrace_X

yeah your info is outta date man..you're not 14 you are at least 16 or 17 meow xD
KI l l e r - - KE n z i e

Report | 10/22/2009 6:18 pm

KI l l e r - - KE n z i e

you're breaking my wee little heart.

Report | 08/31/2009 7:18 am


Wow...I need a profile rehaul. Guess I'll have to go look for a new one, unless I can relearn the coding again. And my info is way outta date...
X_A Beautiful Disgrace_X

Report | 07/29/2009 7:33 pm

X_A Beautiful Disgrace_X

KI l l e r - - KE n z i e

Report | 02/22/2009 5:43 pm

KI l l e r - - KE n z i e



X_A Beautiful Disgrace_X

Report | 12/21/2008 8:41 pm

X_A Beautiful Disgrace_X

your'e agrivating....so..blarg

Report | 11/08/2008 7:02 pm


X_A Beautiful Disgrace_X

Report | 08/03/2008 7:45 pm

X_A Beautiful Disgrace_X

I miss you ben!!!!!!!

come on gaia sheesh you tard Dx


Report | 05/06/2008 1:05 pm


Wow...this place is deathly scilent...

Well I was just checking in after about half a year!

See you all again in another half a year...


"You know you play too many videogames when"
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