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For those of you who've known me for a while, I have changed by name three times now. Originally it was SongOfAFallenAngel, then I changed to Basic Imperfection, and now I've changed it to my most recent penname, Shadow Rebirth.

For those of you who I don't know, welcome! My name's Shadow Rebirth (or xShadow_Rebirthx, because ShadowRebirth was already taken crying ). I left Gaia for about six months (although it might be closer to a year, I don't really remember) and have recently returned. I'm primarily a fanfiction writer when online, so that's mainly what I'll be using Gaia for now. In the past I ran three petitions and a charity thread, but I honestly don't have the time for that now.

My account can be found here:


About me? Hmm:

Favorite Color: Black, blue, purple and silver
Favorite Food: Pocky
Favorite Song: "Filth in the Beauty" by The GazettE
Favorite Book: Trickster's Choice by Tamora Pierce
Favorite Anime/Manga: Tied for Black Cat, Threads of Time, D.Gray-Man, 07-Ghost, and Ravages of Time
Favorite Character: Sali Tayi from Threads of Time


Current Favorite Quotes:

#1) "Don't cry for me Angel, I am but a Demon who finally realized that that is all I will ever be. There is no happy ending where I become an Angel again. There is no redemption for someone like me, there is no 'making up' for the things I have done. Please, don't think to shed tears for my past sins, all they will do is drown you." - Takeda Lee

#2) "Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you haven't fallen asleep yet." - (unknown)

#3) "Battle doesn't need purpose; the battle is its own purpose. You don't ask why a plague spreads or a field burns. Don't ask why I fight" - CrimsonNoble

#4) "Mankind has the incredible ability to reason logically and come to the wrong conclusion." - Raven's Shadow Of Light

#5) "I want to do my part to make the world a better place, but murder is illegal" - (unknown)

#6)"I haven't failed a thousand times; I just have found a thousand ways that don't work." - (unknown)

#7) "America, the land of the free, the land where all men are made equal and where democracy takes it stand. Well, at least that's what we're told." - (unknown)

#8 ) "Whoever said 'nothing is impossible' never tried slamming a revolving door..." - (unknown)

#9) "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it." - Terry Pratchett

#10) "Hard truths cannot be taught by means of written or spoken words; they must be experienced by oneself." - IP82

#11) "In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better." - (unknown)

#12) "Any problem can be solved, if only you have enough explosives." - (unknown)

#13) "Diplomacy means saying something soothing as you pull the trigger right?" - Wes Janson 'Starfighters of Adumar'

#14) "Screw normal; if you're normal, the crowd will accept you, but if you're deranged... The crowd will make you their leader." - Konane Shadow Wolf

#15) "When you say a girl is hot, you're looking at her body. When you say a girl is pretty, you're looking at her face. When you say a girl is beautiful, you're looking at her heart." - (unknown)

#16) "All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring." - (unknown)

#17) "Scientists say that 1 out of every 4 people are crazy... so go check 3 of your friends, if it's not them... Congrats!" - unknown

#18 ) "That which does not kill me had better run pretty damn fast." - unknown

#19) "FEAR: ******** Everything And Run" - unknown

#20) "If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong." - unknown


"It wasn't me you saw there, crying
Something must have gotten into my eyes...
It wasn't me you saw there, yelling
Surely I was just laughing a bit too loud..."
--Lupin Drake

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast,
And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed,
And the eyes of the Sleepers waxed deadly and chill,
And their heart but once heaved and forever grew still"
--George Gordon Byron, The Destruction of Sennacherib

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Viewing 12 of 72 friends


Journal of Doom

Because doom is just that awesome XP Seriously though, I'll post whatever I want in here, though most likely it'll be poems and other such writings.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Lord Raenef VI

Report | 10/08/2009 3:04 pm

Lord Raenef VI

Happy Birthday !

Report | 05/16/2009 9:56 am


hey! i havent seen you in a while... Nice to know your still writing fanfiction... i am too but im on hiatus lol xD

Report | 03/26/2009 12:19 pm


Hi, long time no see, i've been out 4 a while... not conecting to gaia so often but i'll answer lol...

Report | 03/04/2009 2:45 pm


Yeah, seriously; nice new name btw (:

Report | 02/18/2009 3:42 am


Your gone forever T.T wish you luck in the future.

Report | 11/26/2008 1:18 am


I miss you so much.

Report | 10/07/2008 3:34 am


I miss talking to you T.T, I made a new account (Princehirohito)If you get back on.

Report | 10/05/2008 7:01 am


meh -_-

Report | 08/02/2008 6:25 pm


Hey haven't seen you or binx in ages. How's it going?
Xx Peacemaker xX

Report | 06/15/2008 7:31 pm

Xx Peacemaker xX

Nice new name =]


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