
Ayazeleksyuna's avatar

Birthday: 01/12


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This is me..


aaah..I just love to eat..

AND sleep too.,:heart

Okey...things turned out different as I hoped, then I've no choice but to introduced myself as well. Ayazeleksyuna Del Moranta (ofcourse that's not my real name.I have an even better name!)
I came from the land of Rohanoro a one part of a world named Asturia. A proud Lunarian and a princess. But honestly I don't like to be a princess coz I'm much more of a typical villager that usually having fun just by strolling the town and making conversation to the people (they don't know who I am) that's before...

until my wonderful world had gone shattered...when my whole land just vanished and shrink deep down the ocean of Nanoham. Then I got here. The so called earth. When all people are just weird and have different version of book of how to live a life.
I can't coped up sometimes, but little by little I was learning how to live a life in here and when I do, I will laugh at myself and say Yey! I learned something different. Other than that, I liked talking and learn new techniques! (so powerful!) Nonetheless even if I'm starting to embrace the life here on earth while mingling with the earthlings I still couldn't forget my land and my world. Every night weird dreams will visit just to remind me of who I am and what I am.
If you want to befriend me I wouldn't mind. Just don't judge me for what you're reading in my profile coz I'm more than that. I don't really know how people mind works either what they're thinking. And frankly speaking......I don't want to know because I don't care.

Motto: I will do what I want..And when you stand in my way...Believe me. I don't know you.



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Daily life as a (Pretending) maid

*sigh* this is going to be my mini diary about me and the happenings in my job while I was (pretending) working.


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ShinzenTenshi Report | 07/27/2012 6:59 am
hmm, i mean we got a instructor before.. and he is really childish for his age.. >.> he kinda piss me off tho
and he sometimes flirts with my other female classmates... (oh, its not something pervy, ok)
ShinzenTenshi Report | 05/13/2012 6:12 am
really? but atleast you're not unemployed right? i hate school too >.>
i hate seeing flirty male teachers too..
but i guess i need it to get a good job after all

ShinzenTenshi Report | 05/12/2012 8:27 pm
eh? that means you're working already? im still in college tho
and during vacations like this, i get really poor crying

if the flute is worth it, then its fine XD
ShinzenTenshi Report | 05/12/2012 7:08 am
emotion_8c yeah, but still i like those kinds of endings.. coz i rarely see them, hmm
currently watching Mirrai nikki XD its awesome emotion_awesome

at least you can play by ear, i wanna learn how to play piano... emotion_0A0 but i dun have the money to even buy a keyboard
life ish so evil..
ShinzenTenshi Report | 05/12/2012 6:15 am
i agree~ sebastian ish so cool~ and more over i love the character designs of kuroshitsuji.. the author ish really amazing~
ShinzenTenshi Report | 05/12/2012 6:12 am
whoa~ you're awesome!!! i wish i could play an instrument and compose songs too~
err, yeah, an artist just for fun.. i love drawing XD
ShinzenTenshi Report | 05/12/2012 3:37 am
hai! i actually got addicted with it XD especially when i was watching the anime... im reading the manga now
got bored of waiting updates tho.. you too?? XD
ShinzenTenshi Report | 05/12/2012 2:30 am
thanks for the request~yoroshiku ne ^^
Violet-Eyed Envy Report | 05/11/2012 8:45 pm
Violet-Eyed Envy
Violet-Eyed Envy Report | 05/11/2012 8:23 pm
Violet-Eyed Envy
User Image Who said anything about self-pity. I don't read anyone else's works because my standards for what is not crap are too high and I bother them by not thinking it's the greatest stuff ever. I'm smarter than most of the other homunculi, too.


Don't order me around cause I will not obey you!

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