Played By:Carnus1
Character Name: Carnus Cortinius (my favorite bard name from D&D)
Age: 17
Marital Status:Engaged to Tala(the love of my life)
Role: Shadow Wolf Demon
Class:Bard(Blade bard if youve never played D&D this means im a master with a sword and can also steal but i cannot use magic unless its from an item which i only carry 2 and they are not ofensive magic)
Bio: Carnus's parents were brutaly murdered in front of him causing him to become a quick study in the ways of the world(if need be you may insert a hatred for me) he quickly learned to use his hands and also how to assasinate those who have done wrong his masterfully skilled with both the blade and lock picks his hands are adept with musical instruments as well.(sorry this guy is pulled straight from D&D with a 80% hide in shadows and a 90&#xmo;ve silentlymost rules i apply to him come straight from D&D)
A Dagger(family heirloom it can produce light and when withing 10 feet of a trap the blade glows black)
A Short Sword (when near the undead or any really like PURE PURE PURE evil creatures the blade emits black flames that do no excess damage<--pretty much it just looks cool lol)
Powers: Thieving ability, Singing ability, Tumbling, Juggling, Horseback Riding, and Navigation.

time changes and complicates things.
wolf demon form

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