Ask me anything, I won't blush or shy away but if you don't want honesty or are closed minded you're not going to like my answers.
I have pride in who I am.
Female PrideBisexual PridePolyamory PrideCanadian PrideArtist PrideNerd PridePersonal QuotesIf I were ignorant I would not be blissful... I'd be terrified that someone was going to shoot me for it.
Discrimination is not a matter of ignorance. If you were truly ignorant you wouldn't have seen a difference in the first place.
We are all flawed. Just because your flaws are more common than mine does not mean that my flaws are worse.
They say people fear the unknown, yet we fear death when it is the only thing we know will happen.
In the Lonely Light of Morning
It's the bitter taste of loosing everything that I've held so dear!
Is back in business once again.
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