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edokitty's avatar

Registered: 04/19/2006

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/16



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calypso reborn Report | 02/05/2025 4:11 pm
calypso reborn
I'm good, the year's good to me so far. I hope your year going well for you. heart
calypso reborn Report | 02/05/2025 12:06 am
calypso reborn
Hello Edo! It's nice to see you online! heart I hope you have a happy new year.
michihucow Report | 02/04/2025 1:35 pm

yum_strawberry omg ♡ i love your profile and ypur avi is so cute!~ .. yum_strawberry
Bayek of Siwa Report | 01/23/2025 5:41 am
Bayek of Siwa
dude your profile song is one of my fav songs in the whole world
Yogurt Man Report | 10/09/2024 9:30 pm
Yogurt Man
Nice! To new adventures!
How many times have you moved in the past 15 years... it sure feels like a lot.
Yogurt Man Report | 09/24/2024 8:57 pm
Yogurt Man
are you in the upper or lower peninsula? I'm assuming lower lol
man that's sad to hear though. I know people who live or lived in Michigan and they love it but also maybe it's because they haven't lived elsewhere for an extended period. idk.
babyyyme2005 Report | 08/12/2024 3:20 pm
i know what you mean ... grandma didn't really keep trash unless you count the fact that she would not throw out her paper towels and sometimes paper plates ... even if a gave her a new one every time i feed her.. i would just throw them out when i cleaned .. she never got upset with me over it .. and for years she would not get ride of stuff ,if she wanted it out of the apt she would just put it in the yard ( then in the back yard and then in the side yard ) all her rugs would end up in the back yard and she would say that way she could walk outside without her shoes lol ... i think the bigger thing with her was that she would hang up her bolls .. last count was 300 ...and then she would take them all down and hang up paintings that her 2nd husband painted .. and it would go back and forth like that for years .. i would go over and my aunt was filling in the wholes

the fair .. its crazy these days ... i had free tickets one year to get in , but we still spent to much just getting out there with no car we took a uber ( about $20 each way ) ... and $3 for a drink ... I am sorry but i hate spending money like that ... but we went and zachary got to go .. but i am not going again ..

60 ! on man ... its still crazy hot here ..and we are still getting tons of rain ( monsoon season ) and even had a tornado here in Tucson .. crazy .. i am taking meds that say not to be in the sun ...ha where do i do that at here ... i was hiding out in the college most of the day Friday lol oh tabby graduated and got a job at the cat hospital before she finished school smile she is working part time .. and that is ok ..right now she still has a teen to take care of .. he just turned 16 and is in 11th grade... how is your Girl doing ?

i know its rough and it is hard .. you will make it through this ... no one wants to go to a home .... i went through that with my mom too...and now she lives with my sister in MN ... it was hard seeing my grandma in one too .. i knew she wanted to be in her own place.. but its like you said they just stop taking care of themselves ..and with her i was worried about all the pain pills she was taking .. and she was in so much pain with her back ... my aunt had to stay over and sleep in a chair to keep an eye on her .. and there really was not much more we could do to help her
babyyyme2005 Report | 08/10/2024 8:40 am
oh wow ,, i know Michigan is so cold sad .. sounds like you have a lot of big changes .. i know we went through all that with my grandma the year before she passed ... and i sent all that time cleaning and we did get rid of a lot of stuff ( not just throwing it out but talking to her about everything so she had final say ) i know its hard .. but thank God they have you and your family ... i hope you are all healthy and maybe can get somewhere warmer in the end ... I am ready for summer to be over but not ready for winter ... here comes FALL smile
babyyyme2005 Report | 07/30/2024 1:27 pm
im over it lol .. can't wait for fall smile tabby is already Halloween shopping .. she is done with school .. but still doing a study group once a week with some friends so they can take the test to get certified ..she just got her diploma in the mail .. she got a job at the cat hospital about 2 months before she school was over with .. Zachary starts school in 2 days and i will have tp start getting up at 5 am ..not ready for that lol .. how are you all doing ?
babyyyme2005 Report | 10/19/2023 5:43 am
yeah .. i have been busy too .. tabby is back in school and i am up at 5am so i can get ready to take zachary to school ... I hope you and the family are doing well smile