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Role Play Info:

Name: Keigo Kinsho
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Neko Saiyan
Height: 6'2
Weight: 210
Picture: Avatar

Weapon: Nova Blade - A blade engulfed in a blaze of fire. Remains concealed as his belt.
Abilites: Super strength, speed, reflexes, and senses. Ability to go up to Super Saiyan level 2.
Forms: Cat form. Saiyan Monkey form.
Appearance: Keigo stands at 6'2 with white ( blonde when Super Saiyan. ) medium length hair, black pants with silver studs tracing the seems and matching boots and gloves. He wears a black button down colared shirt with a white tie and a long white trench coat. He sports classic white neko ears and tail with green eyes covered by his black sun glasses.

Personality:Keigo is good natured, a bit outspoken, iron willed, and very friendly. Relaxed and comfortable in nearly all situations, almost completely unshakeable mentally. Wise beyond his years, he has learned to embrace his childish side so those around him take him less seriously, giving him a psychological edge in the event of battle. He can be found curiously examining everything and everyone around him.
Bio: Keigo Kinsho was born into a life of fame, wealth, discipline, pride, and discrimination. Born half neko, half saiyan.His mother a neko demon, and his father a full blooded saiyan. Keigo is the oldest of 3 siblings. A brother named Seigo who was born neko/demon and, a sister named Kat ( Youngest ) born neko/saiyan/demon. Keigo's father Hayato Kinsho was a famous bounty hunter and one of the last of the full blooded saiyans. The Kinsho family lived happy and quite normal lives until the day a very dangerous greater demon named Zenshin appeared and challenged Hayato to a fight to the death as an act of revenge after the famous saiyan killed Zenshin's younger brother Zenki.

" Zenki had a bounty over his head, so I took it. " Hayato's words only angered the great demon more and a fight was then inevitable. That day at age 15, Keigo witnessed an awe inspiring battle to the death between his father Hayato and the great demon Zenshin. " I rule over my own circle of hell mortal, what hope do think you have aginist me? " Zenshin said. " When this is over, you won't want to leave from it again, demon. " Hayato replied before their battle started. After hours of fighting, Zenshin's otherworldly stamina proved the difference maker in the battle. Hayato fell to the hands of the demon and was finally killed.

Enraged and overwhelmed with emotion Keigo lost control and uncontrollably transformed Super Saiyan for the first time. Charging into battle overpowered, mentally unmatched, and recklessly unprepared. Managing to latch himself to one of the great demon's flaming horns, Keigo fueled by rage and saiyan pride he used every ounce of his new found strength he was able to break the horn in half before being thrown off by Zenshin. Although Zenshin was weakened considerably by his fight with Hayato he proved to still be far to much for a young Keigo, dispite his new super saiyan power and having one of his horns actually broken off. Zenshin quickly made an example of Keigo to his 2 other siblings by beating him within an inch of his life.

Using the last of his remaining strength, Keigo rammed the demon's own fiery horn into it's eye socket as it attepted to lift him before reverting back to normal from Super Saiyan and blacking out. Zenshin, outraged by this decided it would be far to easy to just kill Keigo. Instead it thought it better to take another loved one of his. The demon removed the fiery horn from its eye and pluged it deep into the heart of his mother, killing her. Before Zenshin would leave he lifted a still unconscious Keigo from the ground, slapping him in the face a few times to awaken him.

As Keigo regained consciousness somewhat he could hear the Zenshin's words: " I've taken from you something precious twice now. I will leave you with this pain, always. The next time we meet will be in my domain. " Zenshin then held out his hand and a large gem formed in the demon's palm. Zenshin placed the gem on Keigo's forehead, the gem then fused itself into both Keigo's flesh and soul, bonded to him permanently. The gem had a dark glow to it and had an intense evil presence to it.

As long as the gem remained bonded to him it would do 2 things.1: Force his mind into replaying the mental images of that day, each day. and 2: Drain him of his lifeforce anytime he goes Super Saiyan, shortening his life. The gem also incidentally caused Keigo another problem, it gave off such an evil aura everyone would always mistakenly think HE was evil, not realizing it was the item. After Zenshin vanished away, Keigo crawled over to his mother. Crasping her hand tightly he pulled the horn from her chest.

Not saying a word he kissed her on the cheek and walked over to his father's body, kneeling before it. After that day Keigo visited a sorcerer and asked that the flaming horn be forged into a sword. The sorcerer forged the horn into a sword that was engulfed in fire and sealed with a spell that would prevent the fire from burning him. Keigo was trained by his father from the age of 6 until the age 15 ( 8 Years ) when Hayato was killed. Keigo later meet and received training from the age of 17 to 23 ( 6 Years ) from the legendary philosophical jujitsu master, Akisame Kōetsuji.

Since that day Keigo has not seen nor spoken to his 2 other siblings, Seigo and Kat. 11 Years later and Keigo is a much older, stronger, and wiser man. These days Keigo is a simple wanderer, unsure of what he wants to do with his life or what his calling is. Keigo hasn't forgotten anything nor could he but he refuses to let it define who he is either.

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Shatter My Mind

Report | 06/07/2011 8:45 pm

Shatter My Mind

Loose Intestinz

Report | 06/01/2011 10:48 am

Loose Intestinz

I hope so too!! Evil dead without him wouldn't be the same!
Loose Intestinz

Report | 06/01/2011 10:32 am

Loose Intestinz

Totally agreed!! They were suppost to make a fist full of boomstick but I don't know what happen with that. The first evil dead is the best to me so far.. the 2nd is a good horror/comedy
Loose Intestinz

Report | 06/01/2011 10:16 am

Loose Intestinz

I have all of the hellraiser, pet cematary, and wishmaster movies haha.. can't get enough of them! They don't make good horror movies like they use to...though The Rite was pretty good!
Loose Intestinz

Report | 06/01/2011 9:52 am

Loose Intestinz

Indeed. I just love horror movies in general..thats all I really have in my dvd case. I also adore halloween.. every year I fix up my house to a haunted house and have all my little cousins come over and throw them a halloween party.

I also <3 nightmare on elm street
Loose Intestinz

Report | 06/01/2011 9:29 am

Loose Intestinz

Day of the dead is good too... I also like land of the dead, and I CAN'T WAIT for zombieland 2 to come on (2013)
Loose Intestinz

Report | 06/01/2011 9:20 am

Loose Intestinz

I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!! It tickles my funny bone.. in a weird way haha. LOL...zombie sex
Loose Intestinz

Report | 05/31/2011 10:22 pm

Loose Intestinz

1978 George A Rameros Dawn of the Dead! it's a classic!
Lone Wolf 8

Report | 05/31/2011 3:14 pm

Lone Wolf 8

thanks, same to you

Report | 03/07/2009 8:32 pm


Just Wanted to Say Hi!!!


You can have one nibble. What if I never let go? Then i'd be with you forever.
Yahoo Messenger: keigo_kinsho