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galaxy girl

galaxy girl's avatar

Last Login: 07/15/2010 11:31 pm

Registered: 04/01/2004

Gender: Female

Location: here...and there O.o




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Squad 6 Captain

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I have decided to leave gaia. I'm entrusting this account to my little brother.


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PandaFhawnna Report | 08/05/2009 3:44 pm
Join my Guild If you Love Pokemon, Art and Contests! <3
ArtistformerlyknownasIves Report | 05/09/2009 1:26 pm
That was so sweet of you smile

Well, it is indeed sad that we will have to wait until next week to hear your grades,. but I am sure you dont have the slightest thing to be worried about smile Ypour grades will reflect your effprt this last semester, and you will get straight A's.

Iverlooking things can actually cause a mild feeling of regret later, but niot as much as you would feel if you wouldnt be giving it your all, I mean, all in life is about balance, but dont stress over something like that, I think your current vision is quite positive smile

Surf pika is officially back today!
ArtistformerlyknownasIves Report | 05/07/2009 10:17 pm
The words Ives and cool in the same line not joined by the word isnt ? thats a new one for me, and yes, i am trying to get there to snowboarding with you on the near future, I definitevely could use some rest and relax, and perhaps alittle of that called fun.

I was sure youwould get an A, but you just wouldnt believe me right? lol, do let me know when those 3 grades come by, i am sure they will be equally good, I wouldnt be surprised if you get an S one day (I know, S doesnt exist as a grade, but in all videogames graded by letters S is the best one always, lol)

Gpoing ful throttle is quite a thrill in itself, just dont take innecesary risks, thats the only advice iI would give you, we tend to overlook sruff when going full throttle, and that leads to some mistakes we could have easily avoided, but its a risk worth having, as long as you ar emaking the most put of what you are doing.

ArtistformerlyknownasIves Report | 05/03/2009 7:58 pm
Thats a weird mood, lol, I mean, I get the urge to watch speed racer, initial D or fast and the furioous if I am racy, Matrix, star wars escape from LA if I am in mood for adventure, I'd go for school days or kimi ga nozumo eien if I am in the mood for getting depressed, but I am not sure I have a mood for the king and I, lol.

I will nonetheless making a pointt if attending your wedding wherever it may be whenever it may be.

I like your optimism a lot, I am dure your professor will see what oozes out of your work, dedication, noone can miss it, and sinc eyou gave it your all, then there is nor a chance you can regret it, full throtle ahead, and use the afterburn my dear Cat.

I started today a resin figure, will have to let you see when it is done, it ois not as hard as any of your classes, but its quite entertaining for me smile its a rather long work though, from assembly, repairing of crevices, priming and finally painting, its gonna be fun though !

And dont forget Ives is going eventually to snowboard over there, I need to look cool at least once in my life :p
ArtistformerlyknownasIves Report | 05/02/2009 6:46 pm
Yes, Pyramids arethe highlight of most trips to Mexico, I only suggest that you bring a hat, at least a cap, because people usually get sunburnt when visiting the pyramids, and nothing beats climbing the oyramid of the moon or the pyramid of the sun, when you look down on those it really makes you wonder about the place they had on the ancient world, and kind of makes you feel small in comparison.

I agree, ine starts to set back plans time and again, and suddenly its not practical at all, so you are totally right, I actually think I need to learn from you at this idea, I need to set my record straight and do the things I want to do, I have a couple trips I really need to do, like the japan thing, or stonehenge, which i will definitevely do one a year before I am 30.

You will get lots of rest this summer :p and you dont need luck to keep the scholarship, you have something a lot more useful, its called brains, and I am sure you will not lose it, since you are waysmart to lose it, give yourself a little credit, you have a lot of talent, and you are giving it your all, so there is no reason to get gloomy.

A 5 year plan? Great, now I knwo I need to start preparing that trip too, if I went to Derek's I am definitevely coming to your !
ArtistformerlyknownasIves Report | 05/02/2009 1:44 pm
Thats something I always took for granted, and suddenly I was not a kid anymore, I spent way too much time in books and in extra curricular activities, I m not sad about it, but in the end I would have liked to do more stuff with my gang, same goes for pokemon, I was 21 ish and I was already running national championhships, I would nt change a thing, but I stoppede playing early on, so it makes you wonder about that kind of things, and you going to college is the perfect wake up call.

What i would heavily suggest is to take any chance of travelling available, I know you are aware that travelling is great indeed, but one can never say it too many times, and one cherishes trips a lot, especially the older you get.

Mexico is such a great place to visit, it has a lot of things for a lot of different tastes, in your case, there is a lot of art in Mexico, enough museums to drive you crazy, but of course a visit to the pyramids amd a gastronomic tour is always a staple, there are so many kind of tacos, and stuff here you cant visit without trying. And I would love to show you arpund Mexico, that is my wish smile What does sound curious to me is that you start to sound like you are thinking about getting married soon, lol, maybe I am just reading too much into lines, but you somehow feel a lot more mature in terms of focus in life, I am sure you were not this mature a semester ago :p

I will keep you informed on the swine flu (now officially known as human flu... worst name ever) things as it develops smile
blackflame_dragon Report | 04/30/2009 10:12 pm
lol well I am happy for you ^_^
ArtistformerlyknownasIves Report | 04/30/2009 10:12 pm
I was out last 4 days or so, I dont have it, but the weird flu I had at the beggining of the year definitely sounds like it was, I am having a blood sample analyzed to double check, but here its sheer chaos, Restaurants are forbidden to open, no schools or goverment offices too... everything is closed until the 6th of may...

Maybe you should do the driving stuff and playing at grinders thing, you are on the brink of adulthood, not that you are not an adult in your own right, but this kind of chances will be slimmer as time goes by, you come from a strongly pokemon based family, but how many of your friends will still be playing pokemon in 5 years? or 3? or perhaps even next year? so maybe this is one of those chance you need to grab and feel happy you did.

Camping... I've had the urge to go camping for the longest of times, its been many a year since last time, i miss the bongire (though to be honest, bonfires make me a little dizzy) and playing football or soccer on the mountains, the "ek Ajusco" zone used to b perfect for that, guess I should start taking my own advices, sontcha think?
blackflame_dragon Report | 04/30/2009 12:38 pm
Well I guess thats good now all we have to hope for is that u pass all of them classes so u don't have to retake
ArtistformerlyknownasIves Report | 04/29/2009 1:38 pm
To be honest, thats the mark of a Great PTO, the ability to get the job done, messy at times, but to do it marvelously, I have done tthat so many times, and I believe that is part of the reason why they keep me around, mainly imagine a 300+ people event where you are the only english speaking judge... My point there is that your team can do a clean job, but when the going gets rough, its about getting the job done, and although players may complain, and you might get distanced from them (tell me about it!) the fact that regionals were taken care of makes me one step more respectful for the Utah gang (though Tymon is ridiculously high alreadym and dont even get me started with your mom, or I would run out of praise before expressing my fukll opinion, I totally leave you out of the equation, since being so cute gives you a ton of bonus points :p ) SO really congrats!

I am trying not to get that thing, here the mortal rate of the swine flu is 80% so if you get it its pretty much game over, and well, my city is the focus of this, so we are in a state of chaos, and well, right now mexico is not a good place to have fun at all!

And well, you definitevely sound radiant! it seems the future vacations are making wonders for you, I havent read you so shiny since well over a semester I believe! do enjoy this time, read lots, HUG lots and lots and recharge batteries, I was thinking about going to US nationals, but it is a longshot, with my nationals and all, I am so looking forward that we all get invited to worlds, well, I bet my surfing pikachu plush (yes, i do have one of those too) your mom is a shoe in, and as for you my dear, I am guessing your perfomrance at nats will determine that, but if you were indeed invited, that means its a 60% already of positive reviews in your favor, I suggest that you see Nats as not the entrance to worlds, but more as a learning experience, this nats is a great preparation, and I am sure you are already being primed (whether you have realized this or not) for the job of world class judge, you are one of the newer generation of judges, and if the plan comes to fruition as I forsee it, you will become a regular sooner than expected, they have to renewe their judge staff eventually :p and given they have so impressive foresight, like the incredible support for 10 and under, i am sure you will be great in no time, i just hioe you get stationed on the juniors :p but eventually the kids of all the pto's will be older, and we might see a small movement towards seniors or masters, but that is still a couple years away.

I will never be able to express how proud I am at how you have developed, keep looking forward, and always with a bright smile!