~All About Me~

Hello there. I see you've stumbled upon my profile. Well, I am happy to welcome you here.

Facts About Me

My name is Farley. My real name is only to the knowledge of my sister and to my family in the real world. I was born in March of 1988. If you do the math: that means I"m 23. I am a graduate of UT Chattanooga and have just been accepted (and enrolled) into Daymar Institute to get my PTA (SO EXCITED!!). My Eastern and Western signs are Dragon and Aries. My favorite color is green and I love to read. I like anime as well, mostly Gundam Wing, Dragonball Z, and a few others my sister has gotten me into. My sister is Rye, and who USED to be the Gaiaonline User, Jetio; however, due to some events, she's sadly quit Gaia. I can't say I'll miss her, since I live with her! Even though she can get on my nerves, and we may be 18 months apart in age, but overall, she's my first best friend. <33 I am also single, but gentlemen, don't take this as a hint. I'm not ready for dating. Sorry, but the job, my future financial stability, and job security are first before I bring love into the picture.
I have two nephews who are 6 and 7. They are cute as buttons although as little kids are, they can wear on my nerves. But they're dolls 90% of the time. I love you Alex and Nathan!

The Gaia Me

I joined Gaiaonline in 2006, about a year after Jet did. She got me hooked into it. (oh, and by the way, my sister's avatar is male. She seems to have a slight dislike in the female avatars .w. ) I'm not rich, and I get my items from my sister, seeing as she's online more often than I am. I'm busy with college life and working at a fabric store. I'm not often enough to keep up with the "latest items" or the "newest and coolest" stuff, but I love my aquarium. Since real pets make me sneeze, and my dad killed my last fish on accident, ( I forgive him) my aquarium here makes me happy. Those little fishies are so cute <3

If you'd like to chat, feel free to PM. I'll be more than happy to check it out and read. :3 Thanks for stopping by~!